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Human Rights and International Law

About the Series

This series explores human right law's place within the international legal order, offering much-needed interdisciplinary and global perspectives on human rights' increasingly central role in the development and implementation of international law and policy.

Human Rights and International Law is committed to providing critical and contextual accounts of human rights' relationship with international law theory and practice. To achieve this, volumes in the series will focus on major debates in the field, looking at how human rights impacts on areas as diverse and divisive as security, terrorism, climate change, refugee law, migration, bioethics, natural resources and international trade.

Exploring the interaction, interrelationship and potential conflicts between human rights and other branches of international law, books in the series will address both historical development and contemporary contexts, before outlining the most urgent questions facing scholars and policy makers today.

17 Series Titles

Per Page

Human Rights and Environmental Sustainability in State-Owned Enterprises

Human Rights and Environmental Sustainability in State-Owned Enterprises

1st Edition


Edited By Judith Schönsteiner, Markus Krajewski
September 02, 2024

This book presents case studies on the human rights performance of state-owned enterprises from four Latin American and three European countries, as well as foreign investments by Chinese state-owned enterprises in these continents. State-owned enterprises are considered among some of the worst ...

The Incoherence of Human Rights in International Law Absence, Emergence and Limitations

The Incoherence of Human Rights in International Law: Absence, Emergence and Limitations

1st Edition


Edited By Louisa Ashley, Nicolette Butler
September 02, 2024

Incoherence is a term that is all too often associated with the public international law regime. To a great extent, its incoherence is arguably a natural consequence of the fragmented nature of both the development and overall scope of the discipline. Despite significant achievements since the ...

Participation and Democratic Innovation under International Human Rights Law

Participation and Democratic Innovation under International Human Rights Law

1st Edition


By Nicholas McMurry
August 26, 2024

This book explores the human rights principle of participation and the human right to participation. The work presents an argument that international human rights law imposes obligations to enable participation, and demonstrates that it has been interpreted in this way by authoritative bodies. ...

The Presumption of Innocence in International Human Rights and Criminal Law

The Presumption of Innocence in International Human Rights and Criminal Law

1st Edition

By Michelle Coleman
September 26, 2022

This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the presumption of innocence from both a practical and theoretical point of view. Throughout the book a framework for the presumption of innocence is developed. The book approaches the right to presumption of innocence from an international human ...

Human Rights, Religion and International Law

Human Rights, Religion and International Law

1st Edition

By Kerry O'Halloran
June 30, 2020

In this book Kerry O’Halloran analyses a subject of international interest – religion – and examines related contemporary issues from a human rights perspective. The book takes the view that while the impact of Islamic State violence has dramatically demonstrated the destructive power of religious ...

Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and International Human Rights Law Common Law Perspectives

Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and International Human Rights Law: Common Law Perspectives

1st Edition

By Kerry O'Halloran
November 08, 2019

This book identifies, analyses and discusses the nexus of legal issues that have emerged in recent years around sexuality and gender. It audits these against specific human rights requirements and evaluates the outcomes as evidenced in the legislation and caselaw of six leading common law ...

The Right to The Truth in International Law Victims’ Rights in Human Rights and International Criminal Law

The Right to The Truth in International Law: Victims’ Rights in Human Rights and International Criminal Law

1st Edition

By Melanie Klinkner, Howard Davis
August 05, 2019

The United Nations has established a right to the truth to be enjoyed by victims of gross violations of human rights. The origins of the right stem from the need to provide victims and relatives of the missing with a right to know what happened. It encompasses the verification and full public ...

The Effectiveness of the UN Human Rights System Reform and the Judicialisation of Human Rights

The Effectiveness of the UN Human Rights System: Reform and the Judicialisation of Human Rights

1st Edition

By Surya Subedi, OBE, QC (Hon)
April 16, 2019

The UN human rights agenda has reached the mature age of 70 years and many UN mechanisms created to implement this agenda are themselves in their middle-age, yet human rights violations are still a daily occurrence around the globe. The scorecard of the UN human rights mechanisms appears impressive...

Extracting Accountability from Non-State Actors in International Law Assessing the Scope for Direct Regulation

Extracting Accountability from Non-State Actors in International Law: Assessing the Scope for Direct Regulation

1st Edition

By Lee James McConnell
October 18, 2018

The human rights of communities in many resource-rich, weak governance States are adversely affected, not only by the acts of States and their agents, but also by powerful non-State actors. Contemporary phenomena such as globalisation, privatisation and the proliferation of internal armed conflict ...

The Emerging Law of Forced Displacement in Africa Development and implementation of the Kampala Convention on internal displacement

The Emerging Law of Forced Displacement in Africa: Development and implementation of the Kampala Convention on internal displacement

1st Edition

By Allehone M. Abebe
June 08, 2018

As of the end of 2015, there were 40.8 civilians who had been internally displaced by conflicts and effects of natural disasters in various parts of the world. Internally displaced persons (IDPs) are currently the largest group of persons receiving assistance from some of the main international ...

Adoption Law and Human Rights International Perspectives

Adoption Law and Human Rights: International Perspectives

1st Edition

By Kerry O'Halloran
March 13, 2018

In recent decades, there have been many changes to adoption law and practice, such as a sharp decline in the voluntary relinquishment of children, an increase in the number consigned to public care, and an abrupt decrease in those made available on an intercountry basis. Additionally, human rights ...

The Legal Protection of Women From Violence Normative Gaps in International Law

The Legal Protection of Women From Violence: Normative Gaps in International Law

1st Edition

Edited By Rashida Manjoo, Jackie Jones
April 06, 2018

Violence against women remains one of the most pervasive human rights violations in the world today, and it permeates every society, at every level. Such violence is considered a systemic, widespread and pervasive human rights violation, experienced largely by women because they are women. Yet at ...

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