1st Edition

Imperialism and Social Reform English Social-Imperial Thought 1895–1914

By Bernard Semmel Copyright 1960
    284 Pages
    by Routledge

    284 Pages
    by Routledge

    Imperialism and Social Reform (1960) examines British social-imperialism and the development of social-imperial thought: the promotion of a ‘people’s imperialism’, or the support of the working classes for the imperialist system. It looks at the social and economic background and analyses the various forms of social-imperial thought, including the vigorous strand of imperial-socialists, who asserted that the welfare of the working classes depended upon imperial strength.

    1. Social-Imperialism  2. Social-Darwinism: Benjamin Kidd and Karl Pearson  3. A Party of National Efficiency: The Liberal Imperialists and the Fabians  4. Joseph Chamberlain’s ‘Squalid Argument’  5. The Social-Imperialism of the Tariff Reform League  6. Fabianism and Liberal-Imperialism, 1903–1914  7. The Two Imperialisms  8. Sir Halford Mackinder: Theorist of Imperialism  9. Viscount Milner: Social-Imperial Idealist  10. William Cunningham: National Economist  11. Sir William Ashley as ‘Socialist of the Chair’  12. Lord Roberts and Robert Blatchford  13. Conclusion


    Bernard Semmel