1st Edition

Industrial Relations in a Changing World

Edited By Michael E. Beesley Copyright 1975
    156 Pages
    by Routledge

    Industrial Relations in a Changing World (1975) shows how industrial relations embrace very deep-rooted attitudes and institutions, and that change, if it is to be radical, is slow. This book exposes long-term trends underlying developments in the 1970s, emphasising the importance and variety of objective industrial conditions that condition bargaining, the capacity of bargaining machinery to absorb change, the long-standing ideology inherent in the social contract, and the gradual emergence of a multinational dimension in trade union affairs.

    1. New Thinking and Action in Industrial Relations Sir Leonard Neal  2. The Social Contract Alan Fisher  3. Participation in UK Management G.A.H. Cadbury  4. Trade Unionism and the Multinational Company J.L. Whitty  5. The Management of Industrial Relations in a Changing Environment Andrew W. Gottschalk


    Michael Beesley