1st Edition

Innocent III Studies on Papal Authority and Pastoral Care

By Brenda Bolton Copyright 1995
    336 Pages
    by Routledge

    Pope Innocent III has long been seen as a central figure in the history of the medieval papacy. The Imperial struggle, on which attention has most often focused, is not, however, Brenda Bolton’s direct concern in these articles; she has rather sought to uncover the spiritual motivation of Innocent’s mission as pope. The first item, newly written for this volume, brings out the importance to Innocent of the physical context of Rome - as the City of the Faith. The following studies look at his exercise of papal authority: first, as Bishop of Rome, to establish a position from which to implement reform; then in relation to secular powers and, in particular, to the establishment of the Cistercian Order. The second section turns to the theme of pastoral care, showing Innocent’s concern for the needy and, more generally, emphasizing his generous response to those accused of heresy - his aim being to include, not exclude, and to channel popular enthusiasms to the benefit of the Church and Rome.

    Contents: Rome as a setting for God’s grace; For the See of Simon Peter: the Cistercians at Innocent III’s nearest frontier; Except the Lord keep the city: towns in the papal states at the turn of the twelfth century; Too important to neglect: the Gesta Innocentii PP III; Philip Augustus and John: two sons in Innocent III’s vineyard?; Via ascetica: a papal quandary?; Non Ordo sed Horror: Innocent III’s Burgundian dilemma; Fulk of Toulouse: the escape that failed; A mission to the Orthodox?: the Cistercians in Romania; The Cistercians and leadership in the Second Crusade: St Bernard’s chose pour rire; A show with a meaning: Innocent III’s approach to the Fourth Lateran Council, 1215; Tradition and temerity: papal attitudes to deviants, 1159-1216; Poverty as protest: some inspirational groups at the turn of the twelfth century; The poverty of the Humiliati; Sources for the early history of the Humiliati; Daughters of Rome: all one in Christ Jesus; Advertise the message: images in Rome at the turn of the twelfth century; Hearts not purses: Innocent III’s attitude to social welfare; Received in His name: Rome’s busy baby box; Index.


    Brenda Bolton

    'The Variorum Collected Studies Series has rendered a great service to students of the society and church of the Middle Ages, by bringing together the articles of outstanding scholars which were published in diverse, and sometimes inaccessible places. This substantial body of Brenda Bolton’s work reminds one of her important contributions to the study of the period.' Journal of Theological Studies