1st Edition

Innovation and Research in Education

By Michael Young Copyright 1965

    Originally published in 1965, this title looks at programmed learning, language laboratories, curricular reform, educational television, team teaching – these are just some of the fashions that were going to change education in the following decade quite as much as the introduction of comprehensive schools. Would anyone ever know what their effects are? Not unless there was a great expansion of research. The author of this book states the need for a marriage of innovation and research. The social sciences could gain as much as education. Today it can be read in its historical context.

    Preface  1. The Case for Linking Research and Innovation  2. The Influence of Fashion  3. Innovation in the Classroom  4. Families and Pupils  5. Co-operation Between Home and School  6. Research Method  7. The Organization of Research.  Appendices: Research in Departments and Institutes of Education;  The Organisation of Educational Research in the USSR by Dr. W. D. Wall;  Educational Research in the Light of Australian Experience, by S. S. Dunn;  List of References.  Index.


    Michael Young

    Review for the original 1965 publication:

    ‘Dr Young’s strength is that he stands back and takes a long, clear view. He opens all the windows. His book is both immensely important, because of this quality, and immensely uncomfortable. A chill breeze wafts through the open windows.’ – Guardian