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Innovations in Psychology Series

2 Series Titles

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EMDR and Psychotherapy Integration Theoretical and Clinical Suggestions with Focus on Traumatic Stress

EMDR and Psychotherapy Integration: Theoretical and Clinical Suggestions with Focus on Traumatic Stress

1st Edition

By Howard Lipke
November 24, 1999

Initially regarded as one of the most peculiar methods of psychotherapy ever devised, EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) was introduced to psychotherapists 11 years ago when Dr. Francine Shapiro reported demonstrable rapidly effective treatment results. An early endorsement by the...

Burnout in Families The Systemic Costs of Caring

Burnout in Families: The Systemic Costs of Caring

1st Edition

By Charles Figley
December 29, 1997

Sleeplessness, depression, anxiety... these are common symptoms of the burnout that often accompanies living with a loved one who has experienced some kind of traumatic stress. It's well known that the loss of a child, a life-threatening injury, sexual assault or combat experience can affect the ...

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