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Inside East Asia

About the Series

Inside East Asia is a series produced exclusively by Asianists working in Asia or with decades of lived Asian experience. Books in the Inside East Asia series are written from within Asian contexts and are rooted in research conducted in Asian languages. Inside East Asia authors specialize in Asian history, Asian politics, Asian economics, Asian sociology, and other fields of inquiry into the past, present, and future of Asia. The goal of each Inside East Asia volume is to awaken in readers, both specialist and lay, a deeper understanding of Asia as richly diverse, highly complex, and best approached on its own terms under the tutelage of scholars who study, and live, East Asia from the inside. Series Editors: Jason Morgan - [email protected] Mark Ramseyer - [email protected]

1 Series Title

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Japan in the 1960s Ten Years of Turning Points

Japan in the 1960s: Ten Years of Turning Points

1st Edition


Edited By Robert D. Eldridge, Jason M. Morgan
August 05, 2024

Eldridge and Morgan set a new paradigm for East Asian contemporary historiography by viewing the decade of the 1960s as hermeneutically powerful. From street battles over Japan’s security treaty with the United States, to a peace treaty with the former Japanese territory of South Korea, to Japan’s ...

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