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Interdisciplinary Disability Studies

About the Series

Disability studies has made great strides in exploring power and the body. This series extends the interdisciplinary dialogue between disability studies and other fields by asking how disability studies can influence a particular field. It will show how a deep engagement with disability studies changes our understanding of the following fields: sociology, literary studies, gender studies, bioethics, social work, law, education, or history. This ground-breaking series identifies both the practical and theoretical implications of such an interdisciplinary dialogue and challenges people in disability studies as well as other disciplinary fields to critically reflect on their professional praxis in terms of theory, practice, and methods.

International Editor: Karen Soldatić

Founding Editor: Mark Sherry (2010-2021)

52 Series Titles

Per Page

Manifestos for the Future of Critical Disability Studies Volume 1

Manifestos for the Future of Critical Disability Studies: Volume 1

1st Edition

Edited By Katie Ellis, Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, Mike Kent, Rachel Robertson
October 12, 2018

This collection identifies the key tensions and conflicts being debated within the field of critical disability studies and provides both an outline of the field in its current form and offers manifestos for its future direction. Traversing a number of disciplines from science and technology ...

Film, Comedy, and Disability Understanding Humour and Genre in Cinematic Constructions of Impairment and Disability

Film, Comedy, and Disability: Understanding Humour and Genre in Cinematic Constructions of Impairment and Disability

1st Edition

By Alison Wilde
August 06, 2018

Comedy and humour have frequently played a key role in disabled people’s lives, for better or for worse. Comedy has also played a crucial part in constructing cultural representations of disability and impairments, contributing to the formation and maintenance of cultural attitudes towards ...

Disability and Neoliberal State Formations

Disability and Neoliberal State Formations

1st Edition

By Karen Soldatic
August 06, 2018

Disability and Neoliberal State Formations explores the trajectory of neoliberalism in Australia and its impact on the lives of Australians living with disability, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It examines the emergence, intensification and normalisation of neoliberalism ...

Disability and Music Performance

Disability and Music Performance

1st Edition

By Alejandro Alberto Téllez Vargas
June 04, 2018

Disability and Music Performance examines discriminatory social practices in music conservatoria, orchestras, music festivals and music competitions, which limit disabled people’s access to music performance at a professional level. Of particular interest are the disabling barriers that musicians ...

Disability, Gender and Violence over the Life Course Global Perspectives and Human Rights Approaches

Disability, Gender and Violence over the Life Course: Global Perspectives and Human Rights Approaches

1st Edition

Edited By Sonali Shah, Caroline Bradbury-Jones
May 10, 2018

This is the first book to explore the interplay of disability, gender and violence over the life course from researcher, practitioner and survivor perspectives. It gives due weight to the accounts of disabled children and adults who have survived institutional or individual violence, evidencing ...

International Perspectives on Teaching with Disability Overcoming Obstacles and Enriching Lives

International Perspectives on Teaching with Disability: Overcoming Obstacles and Enriching Lives

1st Edition

Edited By Michael Jeffress
March 26, 2018

Efforts to reduce discrimination and increase diversity on campuses, coupled with shrinking budgets causing administrators to devote more resources toward recruiting and retaining students with disabilities, are fuelling an explosion of research in the area of inclusive education. An important ...

Sport and the Female Disabled Body

Sport and the Female Disabled Body

1st Edition

By Elisabet Apelmo
January 22, 2018

This path-breaking book analyses the experiences of young sporting women with physical impairments. Taking phenomenology as a point of departure, Elisabet Apelmo explores how the young women handle living with a body which, on the one hand, is viewed as deviant – the disabled body – and on the ...

The Fantasy of Disability Images of Loss in Popular Culture

The Fantasy of Disability: Images of Loss in Popular Culture

1st Edition

By Jeffrey Preston
January 22, 2018

What are the unconscious fantasies circulating in representations of disability? What role do these fantasies play in defining the condition of disability? What can these fantasies teach us about human vulnerability writ large? The Fantasy of Disability explores how popular culture texts, such as ...

Communication, Sport and Disability The Case of Power Soccer

Communication, Sport and Disability: The Case of Power Soccer

1st Edition

By Michael S. Jeffress
March 29, 2017

Sports are ubiquitous in American society, and given their prominence in the culture, it is easy to understand how most youth in the United States face pressure to participate in organized sports. But what does this mean for the hundreds of thousands of Americans who live with one or more physical ...

Visual Impairment and Work Experiences of Visually Impaired People

Visual Impairment and Work: Experiences of Visually Impaired People

1st Edition

By Sally French
February 24, 2017

This book traces the development of paid work for visually impaired people in the UK from the 18th century to the present day. It gives a voice to visually impaired people to talk about their working lives and documents the history of employment from their experience, an approach which is severely ...

Disability and Art History

Disability and Art History

1st Edition

Edited By Ann Millett-Gallant, Elizabeth Howie
November 02, 2016

This is the first book of its kind to feature interdisciplinary art history and disability studies scholarship. Art historians have traditionally written about images of figures with impairments and artworks by disabled artists, without integrating disability studies scholarship, while many ...

Disability, Human Rights and the Limits of Humanitarianism

Disability, Human Rights and the Limits of Humanitarianism

1st Edition

By Michael Gill, Cathy J. Schlund-Vials
October 19, 2016

Disability studies scholars and activists have long criticized and critiqued so-termed ’charitable’ approaches to disability where the capitalization of individual disabled bodies to invoke pity are historically, socially, and politically circumscribed by paternalism. Disabled individuals have long...

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