1st Edition

Introduction to Game Programming using Processing For Designers, Artists, Players, Non-Tech People and Everybody Else

By Daniel Cermak-Sassenrath Copyright 2024
    348 Pages 272 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    348 Pages 272 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    This is an introductory textbook focusing on games (specifically interaction and graphics) as a pathway into programming. It empowers readers to do basic programming, prototyping, game creation, and other highly interactive applications, all from scratch and without any prior programming knowledge.

    Using the popular programming language Processing, this book describes, explains, and demonstrates the basic and general programming principles and mechanisms used in typical game algorithms and concrete game projects. Chapters cover basic graphics, text output, loops, data types and variables, movement, time, audio and sound, debugging, classes and objects, event-based programming, real-time input controls, computer speed compensation, animation, tiling, scrolling, collision detection, basic AI, and much more. Additional support materials such as code examples and demo programs are available to download from the book’s webpage: dace.de/gameswithprocessing

    This book is a great resource for students and aspiring professionals looking for an approachable entry into game programming.

    1. The Process of Programming

    2. Hello Game World!

    3. Console Output and Comments

    4. Variables and Data Types

    5. Iteration with the while Loop

    6. Conditionals (if, if/else, if/else if)

    7. Relational Expressions (e.g. <, >) and Logical Operators (e.g. &&, ||)

    8. Math and Arithmetic

    9. Short Cuts

    10. Type Conversions (Casting and Rounding)

    11. Formatting Code

    12. Iteration with the for Loop

    13. Arrays

    14. Functions

    15. Movement

    16. Basic Collision Detection

    17. Drawing Modes and Drawing Lines

    18. Polygons and Vertex Functions

    19. Colour and Transparency

    20. Text and Fonts, and Loading and Saving Data

    21. Real Time

    22. Images

    23. The Processing IDE, Technical Documentation, Debugging and Common Errors

    24. Programming Rules of Thumb

    25. Classes and Objects

    26. Event-Driven Programming and Game Controls

    27. Hardware Speed Independence for Movement

    28. Sprites, Frame-Based Animation and Timed Events

    29. Tiling

    30. Scrolling and Split-Screen Displays

    31. Movement in Curves

    32. Pixel-Perfect Collision Detection

    33. Vectors

    34. ArrayLists

    35. Recursion

    36. Basic Game AI and Enemy Behaviour

    37. Programming Libraries, and Using an Audio Library


    Daniel Cermak-Sassenrath is former Associate Professor at the IT University, Copenhagen, member of the Center for Digital Play, and co-head of the Games Group. He teaches in the Game Design track programme. Daniel has taught university courses since 2002 and introductory courses to programming for design students since 2010.

    "Introduction to Game Programming using Processing is a wonderful introduction to programming through the exciting world of game design. It provides a clear and friendly approach to learning fundamental programming concepts, while encouraging readers to pursue their own creativity and passion for digital creation. This guide is essential for anyone who loves games and aspires to create their own through the art of coding!"

    Daniel Shiffman, Associate Arts Professor, Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP)/Interactive Media Arts (IMA), NYU.