324 Pages 136 Color & 47 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    324 Pages 136 Color & 47 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    324 Pages 136 Color & 47 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    When we look at a starry night sky, we are looking out through vast invisible expanses of our own Solar System. The planets, appearing as bright specks, have been revealed as worlds by space missions. However, the invisible spaces between them are equally interesting. Unseen forces, such as the effect of gravity, spiraling magnetic fields, and subatomic particles, originate from the Sun. Celestial bodies too small to see form unexpected patterns, while atoms and nuclei are hidden even if in our own bodies. Weaving the history of discovery with clear explanations, Invisible Solar System pulls back the cloak of invisibility under which myriad aspects of the local region of space are connected.


    • Gravity, originally seen as an invisible force, is now revealed as a curvature of spacetime, and, even in its simple form, enables amazing patterns to form
    • The smallest particles have other structures that enable them to interact, powering the present Solar System while also giving clues to nuclear events past and present
    • Long-range forces of electricity and magnetism connect the Sun and planets, dominating the hot plasma gas of space while protecting us from cosmic rays via multiple layers of magnetic shields

    Chapter 1: Discovery of the Invisible Solar System. Chapter 2: Astronomy of the Invisible. Chapter 3: Let there be Light! Chapter 4: Inner Space. Chapter 5: Beneath our Notice. Chapter 6: Wind from the Sun. Chapter 7: Blowback: Planetary Magnetospheres. Chapter 8: Radiation in Space! Chapter 9: Exploration of the Invisible Solar System. Bibliography.    


    Martin Connors is a Professor of Astronomy, Mathematics, and Physics at Canada’s dominant distance education institution, Athabasca University. He is also affiliated with the planetary science group at Western University in London, Canada. He has authored numerous courses and scientific articles. His wide-ranging research has extended from the history of astronomy, through asteroids and their impact craters, to auroras and their magnetic effects. He has been a visiting professor at UCLA and at Nagoya University in Japan. When not doing scientific work, he reads about history, practices foreign languages, and blends photography with travel when possible.

    Invisible Solar System by Dr. Martin Connors is a lovely book that will appeal to both the serious amateur astronomer as well teachers of astronomy at the introductory university level. The book assumes little prior knowledge of physics and astronomy and in the first few chapters Connors takes his readers on a fast- paced journey through many of the fundamental concepts of modern physics. Many clever analogies and examples are employed to explain fascinating aspects of the parts of the solar system that remain hidden but are manifested in such phenomena as the Northern Lights and meteors. Particularly noteworthy are the chapters dealing with magnetic interactions between the earth and sun and the creation of aurora. Invisible Solar System is written in a simple, engaging style with numerous historical anecdotes. I unreservedly recommend this book!

    - Brian Martin, Professor Emeritus, Physics and Astronomy, The King's University, Edmonton, Canada.

    Prof. Martin Connors weaves a fascinating story of the forces that determines the structure of the invisible universe with a conversational style to engage educated lay readers with plenty of interesting digressions diving a bit deeper for his fellow scientists. The complex tapestry of our solar system is explored using the history of science, physics, and mathematics brought to life through the biographies of the scientists and the politics of the times. As a space physicist, Prof. Connors highlights the invisible “stuff” between the planets, telling the stories of those who found out the “void” of space was actually filled with matter, force fields, and energy that define our solar system just as much as the planets.

    - Mark Moldwin, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering, University of Michigan, USA.