1st Edition

Ireland and Irish-Australia Studies in Cultural and Political History

Edited By Oliver MacDonagh, W. F. Mandle Copyright 1986
    308 Pages
    by Routledge

    The Irish contribution to Australian history goes both deep and wide. Originally published in 1986 the essays in this collection contribute both to the understanding of Ireland’s place in Australian history and to the interpretation of the Irish scene in the nineteenth century. Ranging from law to W. B. Yeats, and from monumental sculpture to violence and crime, the papers reflect the diversity of the Irish-Australian experience and the persistence of a distinctively Irish culture even when transported across the world.

    1.Data: What is Known About the Irish in North America Donald H. Akenson 2. The Irish and Law in Australia Gerard Brennan 3. W.B. Yeats: Political Poetry or Poems to the Editor Vincent Buckley 4. William O’Brien: Problems Reappraising his Political Career Philip Bull 5. Murder as Metaphor: Griffin’s Portrayal of Ireland in the Year of Catholic Emancipation Tom Dunne 6. The Overflow of the Deluge: Anglo-Irish Relationships, 1914-1922 David Fitzpatrick 7. Daniel Mannix and the Cult of Personality James Griffin 8. Father Mathew’s Statue: The Making of a Monument in Cork Ken Inglis 9. Violence Transported: Aspects of Irish Peasant Society Edith Mary Johnston 10. The Irish in Australia: A General View Oliver MacDonagh 11. Sir Antony MacDonnell and Crime Branch Special W. F. Mandle 12. ‘A Great Battle’ – Bishop James A. Goold of Melbourne (1848-1864) and the State Aid for Religion Controversy F.X. Martin 13. Writing the History of Irish-Australia Patrick O’Farrell 14. The Desolate Boys: Juvenile Crime and Punishment, Ireland and New South Wales Portia Robinson 15. Telling it Slant: Swift and the Journal to Stella Peter Steele 16. ‘The Harp New-Strung’: Nationalism, Culture and the United Irishmen A.T.Q. Stewart 17. Maria Edgeworth: The Novelist and the Union Iain Topliss.


    Oliver MacDonagh (1924-2002) was renowned as a scholar in modern British and Irish history. He became Foundation Professor and Chairman at the newly founded Flinders University in Australia. Atter a return to Ireland as Professor of Modern History at Cork, he was appointed W.K. Hancock Professor of History at the Institute of Advanced Studies, Australian National University. He wrote books on Irish emigration, Irish political history, 18th century administration and government in Victorian Britain.