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Israeli History, Politics and Society

About the Series

This series provides a multidisciplinary examination of all aspects of Israeli history, politics and society and serves as a means of communication between the various communities interested in Israel: academics, policy-makers, practitioners, journalists and the informed public.

72 Series Titles

Per Page

Israeli Institutions at the Crossroads

Israeli Institutions at the Crossroads

1st Edition

Edited By Raphael Cohen-Almagor
June 24, 2024

This is a fascinating collection of essays about Israeli society and its institutions. It is written by practitioners who have experience and understanding, who are equipped with the insight and knowledge, and who bore responsibility while serving the public in the various institutions. Among the ...

UNSCOP and the Arab-Israeli Conflict The Road to Partition

UNSCOP and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: The Road to Partition

1st Edition

By Elad Ben-Dror
May 27, 2024

This book provides the first comprehensive account of the work of the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP), constituted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1947 to study the situation in Palestine at the end of the British Mandate and make recommendations about its political...

Israel's National Security Predicament Guarding the Third Temple

Israel's National Security Predicament: Guarding the Third Temple

1st Edition

By David Rodman
September 29, 2023

This book provides a ground-breaking assessment of the Israeli national security experience from the establishment of the country through to the present day. Seventy-five years after its establishment, the State of Israel continues to face an acute national security predicament as a result of the ...

Scandinavian Diplomacy and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Official and Unofficial Soft Power

Scandinavian Diplomacy and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Official and Unofficial Soft Power

1st Edition

By Nir Levitan
April 12, 2023

This book scrutinises how three small Scandinavian countries – Norway, Sweden and Denmark – developed a unique foreign policy that brought Israel and the Palestinians to the negotiating table. Bringing together the field of soft power diplomacy with the field of conflict mediation, the text ...

Israel at the Polls 1999 Israel: the First Hundred Years, Volume III

Israel at the Polls 1999: Israel: the First Hundred Years, Volume III

1st Edition

Edited By Daniel J. Elazar, M. Ben Mollov
September 01, 2001

The 1999 Israeli elections focused on the character of the main political contenders for prime minister - Binyamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak. Along with Barak's victory, the Israeli public made important statements concerning the shape and direction of Israeli political culture with a hope of a ...

Netanyahu and Likud’s Leaders The Israeli Princes

Netanyahu and Likud’s Leaders: The Israeli Princes

1st Edition

By Gil Samsonov
February 25, 2020

This research discusses the second-generation Likud leaders, known as the Princes, who have dominated Israeli politics for most of the last three decades: their relations with their parents and the extent to which they have followed in (or diverged from) their footsteps. The main theme seeks to ...

The US, Israel, and Egypt Diplomacy in the Shadow of Attrition, 1969-70

The US, Israel, and Egypt: Diplomacy in the Shadow of Attrition, 1969-70

1st Edition

By Yehuda U. Blanga
November 27, 2019

This book deals with the diplomatic triangle of Israel, the United States, and Egypt during the War of Attrition along the Suez Canal in 1969–1970. Considering the Egyptian president’s political positions and outlooks on the Arab-Israeli conflict and the pan-Arab sphere, relations with the United ...

The British Army in Palestine and the 1948 War Containment, Withdrawal and Evacuation

The British Army in Palestine and the 1948 War: Containment, Withdrawal and Evacuation

1st Edition

By Alon Kadish
November 11, 2019

Following the end of the Second World War, the main mission of the British Army in Palestine was to contain Jewish attacks and illegal immigration while the fate of the Mandate was being decided. This book is a record of the British Army during the final year of the Mandate and its impact on the ...

Muslim/Arab Mediation and Conflict Resolution Understanding Sulha

Muslim/Arab Mediation and Conflict Resolution: Understanding Sulha

1st Edition

By Doron Pely
September 27, 2018

Inter- and intra-clan conflicts in Northern Israel pit hundreds against each other in revenge cycles that take years to resolve and impact the entire community. The Sulha is a Shari’a-based traditional conflict resolution process that works independently of formal legal systems and is widely ...

Israeli Democracy at the Crossroads

Israeli Democracy at the Crossroads

1st Edition

Edited By Raphael Cohen-Almagor
August 23, 2018

In recent years, the discussion about Israel was dominated by post-Zionist, post-Israeli opinions. Important voices that represent large sectors of Israeli society were not heard. To somewhat change this situation, some of the best scholars in their respective fields participate in this ...

Social Mobilization in the Arab/Israeli War of 1948 On the Israeli Home Front

Social Mobilization in the Arab/Israeli War of 1948: On the Israeli Home Front

1st Edition

By Moshe Naor
December 08, 2017

In many ways, the Arab-Israeli war of 1948 is typical of the total military conflicts that characterized the first half of the twentieth century. However, in addition to the military course of the war, and its formative and revolutionary ramifications, this war was also notable for the social ...

Hamas and Ideology Sheikh Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī on the Jews, Zionism and Israel

Hamas and Ideology: Sheikh Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī on the Jews, Zionism and Israel

1st Edition

By Shaul Bartal, Nesya Rubinstein-Shemer
December 06, 2017

Sheikh Yusūf al- Qaraḍāwī is regarded as the most influential contemporary Muslim religious figure. His best-selling book, Al-Ḥalal wal-Ḥaram fi al-Islam ("The Forbidden and the Permitted in Islam") is perhaps one of the most widely read Islamic works, after the Qur’ān. The subject of jihad in ...

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