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Israeli History, Politics and Society

About the Series

This series provides a multidisciplinary examination of all aspects of Israeli history, politics and society and serves as a means of communication between the various communities interested in Israel: academics, policy-makers, practitioners, journalists and the informed public.

72 Series Titles

Per Page

Israel at the Polls, 1996

Israel at the Polls, 1996

1st Edition

Edited By Daniel J. Elazar, Shmuel Sandler
March 31, 1998

The 1996 Israeli elections were the first elections by direct vote for the position of prime minister in which a newcomer - Binyamin Netanyahu - defeated the most veteran Israeli politician, Shimon Peres. The result indicated not only a transition of power from the left-centre to the right-centre, ...

Israel and the Palestinian Refugee Issue The Formulation of a Policy, 1948-1956

Israel and the Palestinian Refugee Issue: The Formulation of a Policy, 1948-1956

1st Edition

By Jacob Tovy
March 03, 2014

Examining the development of Israel’s policy toward the Palestinian refugee issue, this book spans the period following the first Arab-Israeli War until the mid-1950s, when the basic principles of Israel’s policy were finalized. Israel and the Palestinian Refugee Issue outlines and analyzes the ...

The Shaping of Israeli Identity Myth, Memory and Trauma

The Shaping of Israeli Identity: Myth, Memory and Trauma

1st Edition

Edited By Robert Wistrich, David Ohana
June 01, 1995

A dozen essays document the evolution of national myths in Israel as the heroic figures and events of independence and survival transmute into blind fanaticism, great-power manipulation, and traditional colonialism and genocide. Without passing any judgement on the changes, they delve into the meani...

Developments in Israeli Public Administration

Developments in Israeli Public Administration

1st Edition

Edited By Moshe Maor
July 30, 2002

The "Israeli History, Politics and Society" series comprises multidisciplinary studies that range from elections and the Yom Kippur war to the search for a true Israeli identity and the various initiatives to foment or prevent the peace process. This volume brings together a set of articles that ...

Israel's National Security Law Political Dynamics and Historical Development

Israel's National Security Law: Political Dynamics and Historical Development

1st Edition

By Amichai Cohen, Stuart A. Cohen
February 25, 2014

Terror attacks on western civilian targets have stimulated interest in the dilemmas faced by liberal societies when combating threats to national security. Combining the perspectives of political science and law, this book addresses that discourse, asking how democracies seek to harmonize the ...

Israel: the First Hundred Years Volume I: Israel’s Transition from Community to State

Israel: the First Hundred Years: Volume I: Israel’s Transition from Community to State

1st Edition

Edited By Efraim Karsh
March 30, 2000

The Zionist Movement was born in the wake of Jewish emancipation in Western Europe, and at a time of increased persecution in Eastern Europe. This volume addresses the intellectual, social and political ramifications of Jewish settlement in Eretz Israel before the creation of the State of Israel....

Israeli-Romanian Relations at the End of the Ceausescu Era As Seen by Israel's Ambassador to Romania 1985-1989

Israeli-Romanian Relations at the End of the Ceausescu Era: As Seen by Israel's Ambassador to Romania 1985-1989

1st Edition

By Yosef Govrin
April 30, 2002

Yosef Govrin was the Israeli Ambassador to Romania in the twilight of the communist era. Govrin describes Israeli-Romanian relations as he observed them from 1985 to 1989 after which the leader of Romania was deposed....

Israel The Dynamics of Change and Continuity

Israel: The Dynamics of Change and Continuity

1st Edition

Edited By David Levi-Faur, Gabriel Sheffer, David Vogel
September 29, 1999

These essays examine changes in Israel's political, social and economic institutions, and describe how Israeli culture and institutions are resisting convergence. They are in four categories: political institutions and organizations; political economy; ethnicity and religion; and public policy....

Peace in the Middle East The Challenge for Israel

Peace in the Middle East: The Challenge for Israel

1st Edition

Edited By Efraim Karsh
November 01, 1994

Specialists from Israel, Europe and the US examine the implications of peace for Israel. How would it affect the country's political and economic systems and its national security, and what would peace mean for its regional and international standing and its relations with world Jewry?...

Israel: the First Hundred Years Volume II: From War to Peace?

Israel: the First Hundred Years: Volume II: From War to Peace?

1st Edition

Edited By Efraim Karsh
October 30, 2000

The end of the British mandate in Palestine heralded the birth of the new state of Israel. It also marked the end of one of the most tumultuous and momentous chapters in Israeli history. But the new state, born into a hostile environment and struggling with the manifold demands of sovereignty, ...

From Rabin to Netanyahu Israel's Troubled Agenda

From Rabin to Netanyahu: Israel's Troubled Agenda

1st Edition

Edited By Efraim Karsh
October 01, 1997

Benjamin Netanyahu's 1996 election victory marked a major turnaround in his fortunes, for only a few months earlier his political career had seemed finished. This book examines what his victory means both domestically and internationally....

Israeli-Palestinian Peace Negotiations, 1999-2001 Within Reach

Israeli-Palestinian Peace Negotiations, 1999-2001: Within Reach

1st Edition

By Gilead Sher
January 20, 2006

Written by Gilead Sher, Israeli Chief of Staff during the tumultuous 1999-2000 peace negotiations, this book provides a fast paced description and analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Presenting an overview of the core issues of contention, the various key ‘players’ and the possible ...

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