1st Edition

Issues in Geography Teaching

Edited By Chris Fisher, Tony Binns Copyright 2000
    336 Pages
    by Routledge

    Issues in Geography Teaching examines a wide range of issues which are of interest to those teaching geography from the early years through to higher education, including:

    • the role of research and the use of ICT in teacher training;
    • the significance of developing critical thinking skills;
    • broader educational issues such as citizenship and development;
    • the importance of environmental education;
    • the position and role of assessment;
    • the present state and status of geographical education and issues that are likely to be of concern in the future.

    Issues in Geography Teaching details the contexts, presents the facts and raises thought-provoking questions which should stimulate further interest and discussion.

    1. School Geography 5-16:Issues for debate  Section I: Issues in Training Geography Teachers 2.The Re-emergence of Middle Years Initial Teacher Training 3.The Role of Research in the Initial Education of Geography Teachers 4. Developing the Educational Use of ICT: implications for the education of geography teachers  Section II:Issues in the Geogrpahy Classroom 5.Does differentiation provide access to an entitlement curriculum for all pupils? 6.Issues in ICT and Geography  7.Writing Geography Textbooks 8. Textbook Pedagogy: issues on the use of textbooks in geography classrooms 9.The Resourceful Geography Teacher 10.The Importance of Big Concepts and Skills in Learning Geography 11.Learn to De-Brief  Section III: Wider Issues in Teaching Geography 12.Aspects of Global Citizenship 13.Learning about Development: an 'entitlement' for all  14.Environmental Education: the key to a more sustainable future? 15.Europe Matters 16.The Place of Assessment in Geographical Education 17.Geography Education and the Vocational Debate 18.Geography in the Early Years 19.Towards the Question-Led Curriculum 5-14 20.Wider Issues for the Future


    Chris Fisher, Tony Binns

    'It should not...be viewed exclusively as a PGCE text, but rather essential reading of all professional educators who decide to think critically/evaluate and reflect upon classroom practice in order to improve the quality of learning for their pupils.' - David J. Turton, British Journal of Educational Studies

    'It is a useful and stimulating addition to the literature on geography teaching. The issues covered are relevant to many teachers and...there is something of interest in every chapter. Its wide-ranging scope will enable readers to pick and choose as they wish.' - Paul Weeden, British Educational Research Journal