1st Edition

Keynes and Hayek The Money Economy

By G.R. Steele Copyright 2001
    240 Pages
    by Routledge

    240 Pages
    by Routledge

    John Maynard Keynes and Friedrich Hayek had serious differences of opinion when it came to assessing the fractured inter-war world. G. R. Steele picks apart this debate and argues persuasively that Hayek's outlook will prove to be the more enduring.

    1: Introduction; 2: Vision in Economics; 3: Philosophy and Political Economy; 4: Money Issues; 5: Macrodisequilibriam; 6: Keynes and SENIE macromodels; 7: Value Theory and Monetary Theory; 8: Money, Capital and Cycles; 9: Austrians and post-Keynsians; 10: Economic Guidance


    G. R. Steele is Lecturer in Economics at Lancaster University. He is the author of Monetarism and the Demise of Keynesian Economics and The Economics of Friedrich Hayek.