1st Edition

Knowing Practice The Clinical Encounter Of Chinese Medicine

By Judith Farquhar Copyright 1994
    275 Pages
    by Routledge

    276 Pages
    by Routledge

    This book examines the theory and practice of traditional medicine in modern China. It describes the logic of diagnosis and treatment from the inside perspective of doctors and scholars, and demonstrates how theoretical and textual materials interweave with the practical requirements of the clinic.

    Introduction: “We Take Practice to Be Our Guide” -- Chinese Medicine as Institutional Object and Historical Moment -- Preliminary Orientations -- The Clinical Encounter Observed -- Description and Analysis in Kanbing -- The Syndrome-Therapy Pivot -- Remanifesting the Syndrome and Qualifying the Therapy -- Classification, Specificity, History, and Action -- Conclusion -- Appendix A -- Chinese and Pharmaceutical Names of Drugs Used in Cases 1-3 -- Glossary of Chinese Terms -- About the Book and Author


    Judith Farquhar