1st Edition

La connaissance de l’Islam dans l’Occident médiéval

    344 Pages
    by Routledge

    This volume, the second in the series of Marie-Thérèse d’Alverny’s selected articles to be published by Variorum, gathers the majority of her studies on the understanding of Islam in the West from the early Middle Ages until the mid-13th century; some related works will be included in a further selection. In the 12th century, as she shows, a serious effort was for the first time made to learn something of the reality behind the fabulous and scurrilous stories about Muhammad and Islam. A collection of translations from Arabic, including the Koran, was commissioned in 1140 by Peter the Venerable of Cluny, and d’Alverny found the manuscript in which his secretary wrote these out. This discovery led her to explore other translations into Latin of the Koran and other Islamic texts, to identify the work of the translators Hermann of Carinthia, Robert of Ketton and Mark of Toledo, and to depict the milieu in which this work was possible.

    Contents: Préface de l’éditeur; Hommage; Deux traductions latines du Coran au Moyen Age; Marc de Tolède, traducteur d’Ibn Tumart; Pierre le Vénérable et la légende de Mahomet; Quelques manuscrits de la Collectio Toletana; La connaissance de l’Islam en Occident du IXe au milieu du XIIe siècle; La connaissance de l’Islam au temps de Saint Louis; Marc de Tolède; Addenda et corrigenda; Index nominum; Index codicum.


    Marie-Thérèse d’Alverny, Charles Burnett

    'Students of the impact of Islam on the medieval West are most fortunate to have the major fruits of d’Alverny’s labor collected in this volume.' Bulletin of the Middle East Studies Association