1st Edition

Late Tudor and Early Stuart Geography, 1583-1650 A Sequel to Tudor Geography, 1485-1583

By E. G. R. Taylor Copyright 1934

    1. Richard Hakluyt the Younger 2. The First Edition of the Principal Voyages, 1589 3. The Second Edition of the Principal Voyages, 1598-1600 4. Regional Geography, or Chorography: 1583-1625 5. Samuel Purchas: 1612-1626 6. Mathematical Geography, Navigation and Surveying 7. The Realm of Nature 8. Economic Geography 9. Economic Geography (continued) 10. General, Regional and Human Geography: 1625-50 11. The Urbane Traveller 12. Colonial Geography Bibliography Index of Subjects and Place Names Index of Personal Names


    E. G. R. Taylor