1st Edition

Late Victorian Utopias: A Prospectus

    2144 Pages
    by Routledge

    This collection of literary utopias calls for a complete overhaul of existing assumptions about utopian writing in this period. The representation of utopian texts in these volumes shows that William Morris is far from "representative" of basic trends in the genre in this era.

    Volume 1 General Introduction [Ellis James Davis], Pyrna: A Commune; or, Under the Ice (1875) In the Future: A Sketch in Ten Chapters (1875) Etymonia (1875) [Henry Crocker Marriott Watson], Erchomenon; or, The Republic of Materialism (1879) Volume 2 Henry Wright, Mental Travels in Imagined Lands (1878) Nunsowe Green (pseud.), A Th ousand Years Hence, Being Personal Experiences (1882) Volume 3 Joseph Carne-Ross, Quintura: Its Singular People and Remarkable Customs (1886) [Henry Crocker Marriott Watson], Th e Decline and Fall of the British Empire; or, The Witch’s Cavern (1890) Michael Rustoff (pseud.), What Will Mrs. Grundy Say? Or, A Calamity on Two Legs (1891) [Charles Wicksteed Armstrong], The Yorl of the Northmen, or, Th e Fate of the English Race (1892) Volume 4 William Herbert (pseud.?), Th e World Grown Young ([1892]) Frederick W. Hayes, Th e Great Revolution of 1905; or, Th e Story of the Phalanx (1893) Volume 5 George Read Murphy, Beyond the Ice: Being a Story of the Newly Discovered Region Round the North Pole ([1894]) Volume 6: Andrew Acworth, A New Eden (1896) Z. S. Hendow (pseud.?), Th e Future Power: or, The Great Revolution of 190– (1897) Henry Wright, Depopulation: A Romance of the Unlikely (1899)


    Edited by Gregory Claeys. Volume 1: Ellis James Davis, Henry Crocker Marriott Watson Volume 2: Henry Wright Volume 3 Joseph Carne-Ross, Henry Crocker Marriott Watson, Michael Rustoff (pseud.), Charles Wicksteed Armstrong Volume 4: William Herbert (pseud.?), Frederick W. Hayes, Volume 5: George Read Murphy Volume 6: Andrew Acworth, Z. S. Hendow (pseud.?), Henry Wright.