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Leading School Transformation

About the Series

Leading School Transformation brings together leading researchers and writers to identify the latest thinking about new and innovative leadership practices that transform schools and school systems. The books have been written with educational professionals in mind, and draw upon the latest international research and evidence to offer new ways of thinking about leadership; provide examples of leadership in practice; and identify concrete ways of transforming leadership for schools and school systems in the future.

3 Series Titles

Per Page

Distributed School Leadership Developing Tomorrow's Leaders

Distributed School Leadership: Developing Tomorrow's Leaders

1st Edition

By Alma Harris
October 13, 2008

Tomorrow’s schools will need new forms of leadership. The old hierarchical models of leadership simply do not fit any longer. We need to develop new leaders at all levels of the system if we are serious about sustaining improvement and change. But, how do we go about this? The book focuses on the ...

Leadership Mindsets Innovation and Learning in the Transformation of Schools

Leadership Mindsets: Innovation and Learning in the Transformation of Schools

1st Edition

By Linda Kaser, Judy Halbert
February 19, 2009

The evidence is clear - school leaders make a difference to the learning of the pupils they serve. And yet, not all leaders have the same degree of impact. What are the factors that make the difference to student learning? Why are some leaders able to raise student achievement in schools in the ...

Raising the Stakes From Improvement to Transformation in the Reform of Schools

Raising the Stakes: From Improvement to Transformation in the Reform of Schools

1st Edition

By Brian J. Caldwell, Jim M. Spinks
August 30, 2007

Raising the Stakes provides an understanding of the breadth of resources that are needed in order to provide a quality education to all students so that every individual, organisation and institution can become a stakeholder in the enterprise. This comprehensive book draws on best practice in ...

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