1st Edition

Literature and Philosophy in Nineteenth-Century British Culture Volume II: The Mid-Nineteenth Century

Edited By Peter Garratt, Giles Whiteley Copyright 2024

    This three-volume collection of primary sources examines philosophy and literature in the nineteenth-century Britain. Accompanied by extensive editorial commentary, this collection will be of great interest to students and scholars of British Literature and Philosophy.

    Volume 2: The Mid-Nineteenth Century

    Edited by Peter Garratt and Giles Whiteley

    General Introduction: "No longer such an Ancient Quarrel: Literature and Philosophy in Nineteenth-Century British Culture", Giles Whiteley

    Volume II Introduction – Peter Garratt and Giles Whiteley


    Part 1. Self

    Part 1. Introduction

    1. James Ferrier, ‘On the Plagiarisms of Coleridge’

    2. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Aurora Leigh

    3. G. H. Lewes, Feeling and Thinking

    4. Frances Power Cobbe, Dreams as Illustrations of Unconscious Cerebration

    5. Alfred Tennyson, The Two Voices

    6. Alexander Bain, Law of Contiguity

    7. Henry Maudsley, Hamlet

    8. Charles Darwin, General Principles of Expression

    9. J. S. Mill, A Crisis in My Mental History


    Part 2. Knowledge/Belief

    Part 2. Introduction

    10. William Hamilton, Philosophy of the Unconditioned

    11. John Ruskin, German Philosophy

    12. Ludwig Feuerbach, extract from The Essence of Christianity

    13. Herbert Spencer, The Unknowable

    14. Harriet Martineau, ‘Preface’ of The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte

    15. J. S. Mill, The Relativity of Human Knowledge

    16. Benjamin Jowett, On the Interpretation of Scripture

    17. Matthew Arnold, The Bishop and the Philosopher

    18. Alfred Tennyson, Lucretius


    Part 3. Aesthetics, Art and Literature

    Part 3. Introduction

    19. John Keble, extract from Lectures on Poetry

    20. John Ruskin, Of the Three Forms of Imagination

    21. John Orchard, A Dialogue on Art

    22. Robert Browning, ‘“Transcendentalism”: A Poem in Twelve Books’

    23. David Masson, ‘Theories of Poetry’

    24. Alexander Bain, From The Emotions and the Will

    25. E. S. Dallas, ‘The Hidden Soul’

    26. George Eliot, ‘O May I Join the Choir Invisible’

    27. Hippolyte Taine, extract from History of English Literature




    Peter Garratt, Durham University, has worked extensively on mid-Victorian philosophy and literature at the intersection of the cognitive and empirical sciences. His book on Victorian Empiricism (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2010) showed the ways in which realist authors such as George Eliot worked in a climate informed by contemporary scientific philosophy. He has also published extensively on other Victorian authors and empirical philosophy, including Ruskin, Dickens, Gaskell and Vernon Lee.