1st Edition

Literature and Science, 1660-1834, Part II vol 7

By Judith Hawley Copyright 2004
    454 Pages
    by Routledge

    This volume reproduces primary texts which embody the polymathic nature of the literature of science, and provides editorial overviews and extensive references, to provide a resource for specialized academics and researchers with a broad cultural interest in the long 18th century.

    Acknowledgements, Introduction, Robert Boyle, New Experiments Physico-mechanicall (1660), Joseph Glanvill, Scepsis Scientifica: or, Confest Ignorance, the Way to Science (1665), Nehemiah Grew, Cosmologia Sacra: or, A Discourse of the Universe as it is the Creature and Kingdom of God (1701), John Harris, Lexicon Technicum: or, An Universal English Dictionary of Arts and Sciences (1704), John Hutchinson, Moses’s Principia (1724), Robert Green, Principles of the Philosophy of Expansive and Contractive Forces (1727), Isaac Newton, ‘General Scholium’, Principia Mathematica (1729), Roger Cotes, ‘Preface’, Principia Mathematica (1729), John Rowning, Compendious System of Natural Philosophy (1735), Richard Symes, Fire Analysed: or, The Several Parts of which it is Composed Demonstrated by Experiment (1771), Richard Lovett, The Electrical Philosopher (1774), Bryan Higgins, A Philosophical Essay Concerning Light (1776), Oliver Goldsmith, A Survey of Experimental Philosophy, Considered in its Present State of Improvement (1776), Richard Fowler, Experiments and Observations relative to the Influence Lately Discovered by M. Galvani, and Commonly Called Animal Electricity (1793), William Paley, Natural Theology: or, Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity, Collected from the Appearances of Nature (1802), John Herschel, Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy (1830), Charles Babbage, On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures (1832), Bibliography


    Judith Hawley