1st Edition

Lives of Shakespearian Actors, Part I, Volume 2 David Garrick, Charles Macklin and Margaret Woffington by Their Contemporaries

    510 Pages
    by Routledge

    Focuses on David Garrick and the leading actors of his company at Drury Lane. This book tells how, in their time, Garrick, Macklin and Woffington were as famous for their achievements on the stage as they were infamous for their activities off it. It draws a selection of the actors' own words with those of their contemporaries and critics.

    Acknowledgements, Introduction, Bibliography, Chronology, Abbreviations, Note on Copy Texts, Francis Aspry Congreve, Authentic Memoirs of the Late Mr. Charles Macklin, Comedian (1798), John Villette, The Annals of Newgate; or Malefactors Register (1776), The Drury Lane Actors’ Revolt, The Craft sman and Teacher, Verse Descriptions, The Macbeth Riots, [Georg C. Lichtenberg], ‘Schlus des dritten Briefes aus England an Boie’ (1778), David Erskine Baker, Biographia Dramatica, or, A Companion to the Playhouse (1782), Tate Wilkinson, Memoirs of His Own Life (1790), [Anon.], The Secret History of the Green Room (1793), The Monthly Mirror, The True Briton, James T. Kirkman, Memoirs of the Life of Charles Macklin (1799), Charles Dibdin, A Complete History of the English Stage (1797–1800), William Cooke, Memoirs of Charles Macklin, Comedian (1804), John Bernard, Retrospections of the Stage (1830), John Taylor, Records of My Life (1832), Notes


    Gail Marshall, Tetsuo Kishi, Michael Caines, Paul Goring, Nicola Shaughnessy