1st Edition

Lives of Shakespearian Actors, Part I, Volume 3 David Garrick, Charles Macklin and Margaret Woffington by Their Contemporaries

    346 Pages
    by Routledge

    Focuses on David Garrick and the leading actors of his company at Drury Lane. This book tells how, in their time, Garrick, Macklin and Woffington were as famous for their achievements on the stage as they were infamous for their activities off it. It draws a selection of the actors' own words with those of their contemporaries and critics.

    Acknowledgments, Introduction, Bibliography, Chronology, Note on Copy Texts, [Anon.], Memoirs of the Celebrated Mrs. Woffington (1762), Contemporary Commentators, Satires and Panegyrics, Prologues and Epilogues, Ireland, 1751–4, Thomas Davies, Quin and Macklin, Francis Gentleman, Th e Dramatic Censor; or, Critical Companion (1770), Tate Wilkinson, Memoirs of His Own Life (1790), Eulogies and Elegies, Notes, Index


    Gail Marshall, Tetsuo Kishi, Michael Caines, Paul Goring, Nicola Shaughnessy