1st Edition

Lives of Shakespearian Actors, Part II, Volume 1 Edmund Kean, Sarah Siddons and Harriet Smithson by Their Contemporaries

    During the eighteenth century, theatrical writing developed as a genre. The publishing market responded to a seemingly insatiable appetite for accounts of the personalities, social lives and performances of celebrated entertainers. This series features actors who were significant in their development of new ways of performing Shakespeare.

    VOLUME 1: EDMUND KEAN Introduction, Early Critical Accounts of Kean, The Talents of Edmund Kean Delineated (1817) Kean’s Biographers on Kean in Shakespeare; Barry Waller Procter (Barry Cornwall), The Life of Edmund Kean (1835); Actors on Kean; Michael Kelly, Reminiscences (1826); William Charles Macready, Macready’s Reminiscences, ed. Sir Frederick Pollock (1875); Joe Cowell, Thirty Years Passed Among the Players in England and America (1845); Frances Anne Kemble, Records of a Girlhood (1880) Dramatists on Kean; Thomas Dibdin, Reminiscences (1827) George Raymond and Alfred Bunn; Edward Stirling, Old Drury Lane: Fifty Years’ Recollections of Author, Actor and Manager (1881) Diarists, Literary and Artistic Figures on Kean; Lord Byron, Thomas Moore and Samuel Taylor Coleridge; Henry Crabb Robinson Th e London Theatre 1811–1866: Selections from the Diary of Henry Crabb Robinson; Mary and Charles Cowden Clarke and Joseph Farington; Washington Irving and Charles Leslie; Charles Robert Leslie, Autobiographical Recollections (1860); Melesina Trench, Hesther Piozzi and Mary Berry Hester Lynch Th rale, Autobiography, Letters and Literary Remains of Mrs Piozzi; Mary Berry, Extracts from the Journals and Correspondence of Miss Berry, 1783 to 1852; North American Perspectives; Richard Henry Dana, William Clapp Jnr and Joe Cowell; Kean’s Acting; John Genest, John Taylor and William Robson; George Henry Lewes, On Actors and the Art of Acting (1875); Kean Close-Up; James Winston and William/Catherine Oxberry; Newspaper and Journal Reviews; William Hazlitt; Examiner, 7 January 1816; The Times, 21 October 1817; London Magazine ( January 1820); London Magazine (February 1820); Leigh Hunt; Examiner, 26 February 1815; Examiner, 30 April 1820; Dramatic Essays by Leigh Hunt, ed. William Archer and Robert W. Lowe (1894); John Keats, in Champion, 21 December 1817; Thomas Noon Talfourd, in New Monthly Magazine (March 1831); Miscellaneous Criticism; Morning Post, 27 January 1814; Examiner, 27 February 1814; Examiner, 18 September 1814; Morning Herald, 14 March 1814; Morning Herald, 9 May 1814; Theatrical Inquisitor (February 1814) to Theatrical Inquisitor (May 1820); London Magazine ( January 1823); Decline, Last Appearance and Obituaries


    Series Editor: Gail Marshall, Consulting Editor: Tetsuo Kishi, Volume Editors: Jim Davis (Edmund Kean), Lisa A. Freeman (Sarah Siddons), Peter Raby (Harriet Smithson).