1st Edition

Lives of Shakespearian Actors, Part II, Volume 3 Edmund Kean, Sarah Siddons and Harriet Smithson by Their Contemporaries

    During the eighteenth century, theatrical writing developed as a genre. The publishing market responded to a seemingly insatiable appetite for accounts of the personalities, social lives and performances of celebrated entertainers. This series features actors who were significant in their development of new ways of performing Shakespeare.

    LIVES OF SHAKESPEARIAN ACTORS II VOLUME 3: HARRIET SMITHSON Introduction; Oxberry’s Dramatic Biography and Histrionic Anecdotes, ed. C. E. Oxberry (1825–6) The Times, 21 January 1818 Bell’s Weekly Messenger, 18 November 1821 The Times, 1 February 1825 Reception in Paris Walter Donaldson, Fift y Years of Green-Room Gossip, or Recollections of an Actor ([1881]) Etienne-Jean Delécluze, Journal de Delécluze, 1824–1828, ed. R. Baschet ([1948]), trans. Peter Raby Charles Magnin, Causeries et méditations historiques et littéraires (1843), trans. Peter Raby, ‘Tragic One-Act Pantomime by M. Henri, Music by M. Pugni’, Gazette Musicale, 7 December 1834, trans. Peter Raby Alexandre Dumas, The Memoirs of Alexandre Dumas, père, trans. A. F. Davidson (1891) Alexandre Dumas, Impressions de Voyage. Suisse (1851), trans. Peter Raby F.-J. Moreau, Souvenirs du théâtre anglais à Paris (1827), trans. Peter Raby François Guizot, Shakespeare and His Times (1852) Harriet (Cavendish) Leveson-Gower, Countess Granville, Letters of Harriet, Countess of Granville, 1810–1894, ed. F. Leveson-Gower (1894) Frances Anne Kemble, Record of a Girlhood (1878) Athenaeum (23 April 1828) Athenaeum (28 May 1828) New Monthly Magazine ( June 1828) William C. Macready, Reminiscences, ed. F. Pollock (1875) Hector Berlioz, Autobiography of Hector Berlioz, trans. R. Holmes and E. Holmes (1884) The Established Actress: Dramatic Magazine, 11 May 1829 Athenaeum (13 May 1829) Examiner, 17 May 1829 Examiner, 24 May 1829 New Monthly Magazine, 1 June 1829 Examiner, 14 June 1829 New Monthly Magazine, 1 July 1829 Athenaeum (29 May 1830) Edward Lockspeiser, ‘Unpublished Letters of Harriet Smithson and Berlioz’, Musical Times, December 1938 Henry Barton Baker, The London Stage (1904) Letter from Harriet Smithson to William Kenneth (1831) Court Magazine (1833) Hector Berlioz, Autobiography of Hector Berlioz, trans. R. Holmes and E. Holmes Final Years and Retrospective: Mrs Cornwall Baron Wilson, Our Actresses (1844) George A. Osborne, ‘Berlioz’, Proceedings of the Musical Association (3 February 1879) E. P. Dutton Cook, ‘Miss Smithson’, Gentleman’s Magazine ( June 1879) Hector Berlioz, Autobiography of Hector Berlioz, trans. R. Holmes and E. Holmes (1884) Images of Smithson; F.-J. Moreau, Souvenirs du théâtre anglais à Paris (1827) Notes


    Series Editor: Gail Marshall, Consulting Editor: Tetsuo Kishi, Volume Editors: Jim Davis (Edmund Kean), Lisa A. Freeman (Sarah Siddons), Peter Raby (Harriet Smithson).