1st Edition

Lives of Victorian Literary Figures, Part I, Volume 1 George Eliot, Charles Dickens and Alfred, Lord Tennyson by their Contemporaries

    Collected here are the biographies which revealed aspects of their subjects that the more favourable "official" accounts tended to hide. The life of the author of each text is described, and their relation to the writers they portray is sketched in.

    Introduction, Bibliography, Chronology, 1 Alexander Main, Why's, Witty and Tender Sayings In Prose And Verse Selected From The Works of George Eliot 2 Algernon Charles Swinburne, A Note On Charlotte Bronte 3 Beatrice Webb, Diary Entry for 2 February 1881 For Edith Simcox, George Eliot 5 William Hale White, The Autobiography Of Mark Rutherford 6 Matilda Blind, George Eliot 7 JW Cross, George Eliot's Life As Related In Her Letters And Journals 8 Henry James, George Eliot's Life 9 Mrs Oliphant, The Life And Letters Of George Eliot 10 RH Hutton, George Eliot 11 Charles Bray, Phases Of Opinion And Experience During A Long Life: An Autobiography 12 Alice James, Diary Entry 4 28 June 1889 13 Thomas Adolphus Trollope, What I Remember 14 Oscar Browning, George Eliot 15 C.E. Raymond( Elizabeth Robbins), George Manville's Husband 16 Bessie Rayner Belloc, And A Walled Garden 17 Eliza Lynn Linton, George Eliot 18 Leslie Stephen, George Eliot 19 Herbert Spencer, An Autobiography 20 Virginia Woolf, George Eliot


    Volume Editors: Gail Marshall (V1 George Eliot), Corinna Russell (V2: Charles Dickens), Matthew Bevis (V3: Lord Alfred Tennyson) Series Editor Ralph Pite.