1st Edition

Lives of Victorian Literary Figures, Part I, Volume 3 George Eliot, Charles Dickens and Alfred, Lord Tennyson by their Contemporaries

    Collected here are the biographies which revealed aspects of their subjects that the more favourable "official" accounts tended to hide. The life of the author of each text is described, and their relation to the writers they portray is sketched in.

    Introduction, 1 Hallam Tennyson, Alfred Lord Tennyson And Memoir 2 Frances M Brookfield, The Cambridge Apostles 3 Aubrey De Vere, Early Reminisces In Alfred Lord Tennyson A Memoir 4 The Carlyles A Thomas Carlisle, Carlisles And Published Letters To Miss Wilson B Thomas Carlyle, New Letters Of Thomas Carlyle C Thomas Carlyle, The Correspondence Of Thomas Carlyle UN Ralph Waldo Emerson 1834 2 1872 D Thomas Carlyle, Thomas Carlyle A History Of His Life In London 1834-1881 E Jane Welsh Carlyle, Letters On Memorials Of Jane Welsh Carlyle F Jane Welsh Carlyle, Jane Welsh Carlyle Letters To Her Family 1839-1863 5 Edward Fitzgerald A Letters And Literary Remains Of Edward Fitzgerald B Some Letters Of Edward Fitzgerald Say A Fitzgerald Friendship 6 Willingham F Rawnsley Personal Recollections Of Tennyson 7 Various A Night Of The Gods A Elizabeth Barrett Browning The Electors Of Elizabeth Barrett Browning B William Michael Rossetti Portraits Of Browning 1 See William Michael Rossetti, Dante Gabriel Rosetti His Family Letters With A Memoir 8 Charles Dodson (Lewis Carroll) a Visit To Tennyson 9 William Holman Hunt, Pre-Raphaelitism And The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood 10 J.A Symonds, Recollections Of Lord Tennyson An Evening At Thomas Woolner's 11 James Knowles Aspects Of Tennyson To A Personal Reminiscence 12 Blanche Warre-Cornish Memories Of Tennyson I And II 13 Edmund Goss Portraits And Sketches 14 Arthur Warren London Days A Book Of Reminisces 15 Agnes Grace Weld Glimpses Of Tennyson And Some Have His Relations And Friends 16 Mary Gladstone Her Diaries And Letters 17 Henry James The Middle Years 18 William Allingham The Diaries 19 Charles Villiers Stanford Studies And Memories 20 HD Rawnsley Memories Of The Tennysons 21 Ann Ritchie Records Of Tennyson Ruskin And Browning 22 Rev William Boyd Carpenter Some Pages Of My Life 23 Maisie Ward The Wilfred Wards And The Transition 24 Wilfrid Ward Problems And Persons 25 F Benson As We Were A Victorian Peep Show 26 Walt White Man A Word About Tennyson 27 Benjamin Jowett A Notes On Characteristics Of Tennyson B The Life And Letters Of Benjamin Jowett 28 Various- Tennyson’s Death and Funeal 29 Various- Images of Tennyson.


    Volume Editors: Gail Marshall (V1 George Eliot), Corinna Russell (V2: Charles Dickens), Matthew Bevis (V3: Lord Alfred Tennyson) Series Editor Ralph Pite.