1st Edition

Lives of Victorian Literary Figures, Part III, Volume 2 Elizabeth Gaskell, the Carlyles and John Ruskin

    Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle moved from rural Scotland to London's Cheyne Walk. This title focuses on writers for whom 'the centre' was a pressing concern. Elizabeth Gaskell, like her contemporary Emily Bronte, was from the north of England, though based in Lancashire and Cheshire rather than Yorkshire. Her first novel, Mary Barton 1848) was set in the north and was unusually realistic in its depiction of Manchester working-class life. Ruskin grew up in suburban London; in later life, he settled in the Lake District . The three volumes that comprise a set are facsimile reproductions of contemporary biographical material. They include letters, memoirs, poems and articles on three outstanding Victorian literary persons: John Ruskin, Elzabeth Gaskell and the Carlyles.

    A. Contemporary Accounts of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle 1. J. S. Mill, Letters of S. Mill 2. Edward Strachey, ‘Some Letters and Conversations of Thomas Carlyle’, Atlantic Monthly 3. Henry Crabb Robinson, Books and Their Writers 4. Caroline Fox, Memories of Old Friends 5. C. E. Eastlake, Journals and Correspondence of Lady Eastlake 6. T. Wemyss Reid, The Life of the Right Hon. W. E. Forster 7. Ellen Twisleton and Elisabeth Dwight a) Letters of the Hon. Mrs. Edward Twisleton b) Extracts from the unpublished letters of Ellen Twisleton and Elisabeth Dwight 8. William Makepeace Thackeray, ‘Une Lettre Inédite’, Revue de Littérature Comparée B. Reminiscences and Descriptions of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle 9. The Brookfields and Anne Thackeray Ritchie a) Charles and Frances Brookfield, Mrs Brookfield and Her Circle b) Anne Thackeray Ritchie, Chapters from Some Memoirs 10. Frances Anne Kemble and William Bell Scott a) Frances Anne Kemble, Further Records, 1848-Î883 b) William Bell Scott, Autobiographical Notes of the Life of William Bell Scott 11. George Stovin Venables, ‘Carlyle in Society and at Home’, Fortnightly Review 12. Henry Larkin, ‘Carlyle and Mrs Carlyle: A Ten-Years’ Reminiscence’, British Quarterly Review 13. Margaret Oliphant, ‘Thomas Carlyle’, Macmillan's Magazine C. Jane Welsh Carlyle’s Gift for Narrative 14. a) William Maccall, ‘Almost a Romance’, Pall Mall Gazette b) Charles MacFarlane, unpublished MS c) Elisabeth Dwight, unpublished letters d) [Jane Brookfield], ‘Some Reminiscences of Jane Welsh Carlyle’, Temple Bar e) John Forster, Life of Charles Dickens f) Margaret Oliphant, ‘Mrs Carlyle’, Contemporary Review D. Some Responses to Thomas Carlyle’s Published Writing 15. a) George Gilfillan, A Gallery of Literary Portraits b) Frederic Harrison, Carlyle's Place in Literature c) William Crary Brownell, ‘Thomas Carlyle’, Scribner E. Americans and Thomas Carlyle 16. a) Ralph Waldo Emerson, English Traits b) —, Lectures and Biographical Sketches c) Margaret Fuller Ossoli, At Home and Abroad d) Lucretia Mott, Slavery and the Woman Question e) Frances H. Bradburn, A Memorial of George Bradburn by his Wife 17. a) Henry James Sr, ‘Some Personal Recollections of Carlyle’, Atlantic Monthly b) Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Carlyle's Laugh and Other Surprises F. Young Admirers 18. Francis Espinasse and David Masson a) Francis Espinasse, Literary Recollections b) David Masson, Memories of London in the Forties 19. Charles Gavan Duffy, Conversations with Carlyle 20. James Hutchison Stirling, Lewis Pelly and John Tyndall a) James Hutchison Stirling, Thomas Carlyle's Counsels b) Amelia Hutchison Stirling, James Hutchison Stirling: His Life and Work c) Lewis Pelly, ‘Glimpses of Carlyle’, Fortnightly Review d) John Tyndall, New Fragments G. Autobiographical Recollections of Thomas Carlyle 21. Harriet Martineau, Leigh Hunt and Henry Taylor a) Harriet Martineau, Autobiography b) Leigh Hunt, Autobiography c) Henry Taylor, Autobiography 22. Frederick Locker-Lampson and James D. Hague a) Frederick Locker-Lampson, My Confidences b) James D. Hague, ‘A Personal Recollection of Carlyle by a "Captain of Industry"’, Century Magazine H. Various - Images of the Carlyles


    Volume Editors:  Valerie Sanders (Elizabeth Gaskell), Aileen Christianson & Shelia McIntosh (The Carlyles), Simon Grimble (John Ruskin), Series Editor Ralph Pite.