1st Edition

Lives of Victorian Literary Figures, Part IV, Volume 2 Henry James, Edith Wharton and Oscar Wilde by their Contemporaries

    Part of the "Lives of Victorian Literary Figures" series, this set collects contemporary memoirs, biographies and ephemera relating to Oscar Wilde, Henry James and Edith Wharton. Editorial apparatus includes a general introduction, headnotes, endnotes and a general index.

    Introduction, 1. W. D. Howells, 'Henry James, Jr.', Century Magazine 2. London Society a) E. S. Nadal, 'Personal Recollections of Henry James', Scribner's Magazine b) Justin McCarthy, Reminiscences 3. Edmund Gosse, Aspects and Impressions 4. Jacques-Emile Blanche, Portrait cif a Lifetime 5. Henry James and Scandal a) Violet Hunt, 'The Last Days of Henry James', Daily Mail b) Violet Hunt, The Flurrred Years c) Vincent O'Sullivan, Aspects of Wilde 6. A C. Benson, Memories and Friends 7. Detachment and Morality a) Desmond MacCarthy, Portraits b) F. M. Colby, 'The Queerness of Henry James', Bookman 8. Mrs Humphrey Ward, A Writer's Recollections 9. Compton Mackenzie, 'Henry James', Life and Letters Today 10. Henry James and the Theatre a) W. Graham Robertson, Time Was b) Henry Mackinnon Walbrook, 'Henry James and the English Theatre', Nineteenth Century 11. Hamlin Garland, Roadside Meetings 12. Ford Madox Ford, Mightier than the Sword 13. Henry James in Rye a) AG. Bradley, 'Henry James As I Knew Him: The Human Side of a Great Novelist', John 0' London's rn.ekly b) Ella Hepworth Dixon, As I Knew Them c) Matilda Betham-Edwards, Mid-Victorian Memories d) Anon., 'General Gossip of Authors and Writers', Current Literature 14. Henry James's Photographers a) Alice Boughton, 'A Nate by his Photographer', Hound and Hom b) Alvin Coburn, Men of Marie 15. Hugh Walpole, 'Henry James; A Reminiscence', Horizon 16. Muriel Draper, Music at Midnight 17. Interviews a) Witter Bynner, 'A Word or Two with Henry James', Critic b) Preston Lockwood, 'Henry James's First Interview', New York Times 18. Obituaries (29 February 1916) a) Daily Telegraph b) The Times c) Daily Mail


    Volume Editors: Jane Spirit (Oscar Wilde), , Sarah Annes Brown (Henry James), Elizabeth Nolan & Janet Beer (Edith Wharton), Series Editor Ralph Pite.