1st Edition

Lives of Victorian Literary Figures, Part VI, Volume 1 Lewis Carroll, Robert Louis Stevenson and Algernon Charles Swinburne by their Contemporaries

    In their own time, Lewis Carroll, Robert Louis Stevenson and Algernon Charles Swinburne were highly successful writers. Part of the "Lives of Victorian Literary Figures" series, this three-volume facsimile edition draws together a range of biographical sources relating to these three celebrated Victorian authors.

    Introduction 1. Childhood of Lewis Carroll a) Stuart Dodgson Collingwood, The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll b) Stuart Dodgson Collingwood, ‘Before "Alice" – The Boyhood of Lewis Carroll’, Strand Magazine 2. Christ Church a) Ethel M. Arnold, ‘Social Life in Oxford’, Harper’s Monthly Magazine b) T. B. Strong, ‘Lewis Carroll’, Cornhill Magazine c) [Henry Lewis Thompson], ‘The Late Rev. C. L. Dodgson’, Oxford Magazine d) Lionel A. Tollemache, Old and Odd Memories e) Arthur Hassall, Christ Church Oxford: An Anthology f ) Lord Redesdale, Memories g) S. D. Collingwood (ed.), The Lewis Carroll Picture Book 3. Pen-Name ‘Lewis Carroll’ a) Stuart Dodgson Collingwood, The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll b) Edmund Yates, His Recollections and Experiences 4. The Real Alice and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland a) Caryl Hargreaves, ‘Alice’s Recollections of Carrollian Days’, Cornhill Magazine b) S. D. Collingwood (ed.), The Lewis Carroll Picture Book c) G. K. Chesterton, ‘The 100th Birthday of Nonsense’, New York Times Magazine d) Clair Price, ‘Alice Lives: In Wonderland – And In Fact’, New York Times Magazine e) A. A. Milne, ‘The Golden Afternoon When Alice Arrived’, Evening Standard f ) Harry Morgan Ayres, ‘Lewis Carroll and the "Alice" Books’, Columbia University Quarterly g) Warren Weaver, ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: Its Origin and Its Author’, Princeton University Library Chronicle h) Cosmo Monkhouse, The Life and Works of Sir John Tenniel, R. I. i) Philip Loring Allen, ‘The Sketch-Books of Wonderland’, Bookman 5. Memories of Child-Friends a) Ethel M. Arnold, ‘Reminiscences of Lewis Carroll’, Windsor Magazine b) Isa Bowman, The Story of Lewis Carroll c) Mrs. E. H. B. Skimming [Audrey Fuller], Mrs. H. T. Stretton [Mary Barber], Mrs. E. G. Shawyer [Enid Stevens], ‘More Recollections of Lewis Carroll’, Listener d) Beatrice Hatch, ‘"Lewis Carroll" (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson)’, Strand Magazine e) Ethel Hatch, ‘Recollections of Lewis Carroll’, Listener f ) Edith Alice Maitland, ‘Childish Memories of Lewis Carroll’, Quiver g) Isabel Standen, ‘Lewis Carroll as I Remember Him’, Queen h) Mrs. A. G. Atkinson [Gertrude Chataway], ‘Memories of Lewis Carroll’, Hampshire Chronicle 6. Lionizer and Letter-Writer a) C. L. Dodgson, ‘A Visit to Tennyson’ [letter to William Willcox], Strand Magazine b) Stuart Dodgson Collingwood, ‘Some of Lewis Carroll’s Child Friends’, Century Magazine c) Dorothy Furniss, ‘New Lewis Carroll Letters’, Pearson’s Magazine 7. Mathematician and Logician a) D. B. Eperson, ‘Lewis Carroll – Mathematician’, Mathematical Gazette b) R. B. Braithwaite, ‘Lewis Carroll as Logician’, Mathematical Gazette 8. Poet, Preacher and Photographer a) Florence Milner, ‘The Poems in Alice in Wonderland’, Bookman b) Revd P. Gordon Duf (ed.), Lewis Carroll Centenary, 1932 c) Langford Reed, The Life of Lewis Carroll d) Shane Leslie, ‘Lewis Carroll and the Oxford Movement’, London Mercury e) Alvin Langdon Coburn, ‘Old Masters of Photography’, Century Magazine 9. Artist and Theatre-goer a) [E. Gertrude Thomson], ‘Lewis Carroll. A Sketch by an Artist-Friend’, Gentlewoman b) [Edith L. Shute], ‘Lewis Carroll as Artist: And Other Oxford Memories’, Cornhill Magazine c) Ellen Terry, The Story of My Life 10. Carroll at Guildford 11. Alice Psycho-Analysed a) Hereward Carrington, ‘The Psychology of "Alice in Wonderland" and "Alice Through the Looking-Glass) A. M. E. Goldschmidt, ‘"Alice in Wonderland" Psychoanalyzed’, New Oxford Outlook 12. Memorials and Obituaries


    Volume Editors: Tom Hubbard (Robert Louis Stevenson), Rikky Rooksby (Algernon Charles Swinburne), Edward Wakeling (Lewis Carroll), Series Editor Ralph Pite.