1st Edition

Lives of Victorian Literary Figures, Part VI, Volume 3 Lewis Carroll, Robert Louis Stevenson and Algernon Charles Swinburne by their Contemporaries

    In their own time, Lewis Carroll, Robert Louis Stevenson and Algernon Charles Swinburne were highly successful writers. Part of the "Lives of Victorian Literary Figures" series, this three-volume facsimile edition draws together a range of biographical sources relating to these three celebrated Victorian authors.

    Introduction The Early Years (1837–65) 1. Mary C. J. Leith, ‘The Boyhood of Algernon Charles Swinburne’, Contemporary Review 2. Elizabeth Sewell, The Autobiography of Elizabeth Sewell 3. William Bell Scott, Autobiographical Notes of the Life of William Bell Scott 4. A. B. F. Mitford [Lord Redesdale], Memories 5. Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams 6. Thomas Armstrong, Thomas Armstrong, A Memoir 7. W. M. Rossetti, Some Reminiscences of William Michael Rossetti 8. Ford Madox Ford, Mightier than the Sword The Middle Years (1866–79) 9. Johnston Forbes-Robertson, A Player under Three Reigns 10. Victor A. G. R. Lytton, The Life of Edward Bulwer, First Lord Lytton 11. Sir William Hardman a) Sir William Hardman, A Mid-Victorian Pepys b) Sir William Hardman, The Hardman Papers 12. W. Winwood Reade, ‘Mr Swinburne: A Sketch’, Galaxy 13. Laura H. Friswell, In the Sixties and Seventies 14. Edmund Gosse, ‘Swinburne at Étretat’, Cornhill Magazine 15. Lucy Fountain, ‘An Evening With Swinburne’, Galaxy 16. W. H. Mallock, Memoirs of Life and Literature 17. Edmund Gosse, Swinburne: An Essay Written in 1875 and Now First Printed 18. Harry Furniss, Some Victorian Men 19. Lord Ronald Gower, My Reminscences 20. [Louise Chandler Moulton], ‘An Evening With Swinburne’, Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine 21. Alice L. Bird and Ernest Rhys, ‘Two Evenings with Swinburne’, Bibliophile The Later Years (1880–1909) 22. [E. C. Stedman], ‘Some London Poets’, Harper’s Monthly Magazine 23. John Churton Collins, Life and Memoirs of John Churton Collins 24. Ramsay W. Colles, In Castle and Court House 25. A. P. Graves, To Return to All That 26. Richard Le Gallienne, The Romantic 90s 27. E. V. Lucas, ‘At "The Pines"’, New Statesman 28. Alfred Noyes a) Alfred Noyes, Two Worlds for Memory b) Alfred Noyes, ‘Dinner at The Pines’, The Listener 29. William Sharp, ‘A Literary Friendship: Mr A. C. Swinburne and Mr Watts-Dunton at The Pines’, Pall Mall Magazine 30. Arthur Symons, ‘Algernon Charles Swinburne: With Some Unpublished Letters’, Fortnightly Review General accounts 31. Lionel Cresswell, ‘Royal Descent of Algernon Charles Swinburne’, Genealogical Magazine 32. Edmund Gosse, ‘Mr. Swinburne’, Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine 33. Edmund Gosse, Aspects and Impressions 34. Thomas Hake and Arthur Compton-Rickett (eds.), The Letters of A. C. Swinburne with Some Personal Recollections 35. Henry Scott Holland, A Bundle of Memories 36. Coulson Kernahan, In Good Company 37. Theodore Wratislaw, A. C. Swinburne: A Study 38. [T. Watts-Dunton], ‘Supplemental Note by the Editor of this Impression’, in T. Watts Dunton (ed.), Selections from the Poetical Works of Algernon Charles Swinburne 39. Sir Frederick Wedmore, Memories


    Volume Editors: Tom Hubbard (Robert Louis Stevenson), Rikky Rooksby (Algernon Charles Swinburne), Edward Wakeling (Lewis Carroll), Series Editor Ralph Pite.