1st Edition

Living-Learning Communities in Practice A Guide for Creating, Maintaining, and Sustaining Effective Programs in Higher Education

    138 Pages 15 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    138 Pages 15 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    This book offers a roadmap for developing, growing, and sustaining living-learning communities (LLCs) that promote student success and enhance the undergraduate experience.

    Drawing on the Best Practices Model presented in Living-Learning Communities That Work, as well as updated research and rich, real-life examples from LLC administrators, the authors offer a revised and improved model for effective LLC practice. Nuanced typologies guide stakeholders in developing and growing their own programs, from the foundational, to the intermediate, and to the advanced level. This text features an extended section on the assessment of LLCs, complete with a logic model for integrating program assessment with student learning outcomes, and concludes with lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and a look into the future of LLCs in higher education.

    At a time when colleges and universities struggle to create community for students, this book will be a valuable resource to practitioners, researchers, and institutional leaders to more effectively allocate resources to create and sustain LLCs and to realize the potential of these communities to improve undergraduate education.

    For more information about ACUHO-I membership, events, and resources, please visit acuho-i.org.

    1. Introduction to Living-Learning Communities in Practice  2. The Revised Living-Learning Communities Best Practices Model  3. Best Practices in Living-Learning Communities: Infrastructure  4. Best Practices in Living-Learning Communities: Climate  5. Best Practices in Living-Learning Communities: Intellectual Experience  6. Best Practices in Living-Learning Communities: Social Experience  7. Best Practices in Living-Learning Communities: Student Outcomes Through Assessment  8. Best Practices in Living-Learning Communities: Integration and Communication  9. Final Thoughts on Living-Learning Communities in Practice


    Karen Kurotsuchi Inkelas is Professor in the Higher Education Program in the School of Education & Human Development at the University of Virginia, USA.

    Mimi Benjamin is Professor in the Student Affairs in Higher Education Department at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA.

    Jody E. Jessup-Anger is Professor and Chair of Educational Policy and Leadership at Marquette University, USA.

    “This book provides an important update for best practices in living-learning communities. ACUHO-I is pleased to support resources like these that demonstrably improve the experiences of college and university students.”

    Association of College and University Housing Officers – International

    “With their skillful re-envisioning of the Living-Learning Communities Best Practices Model, rich typologies for each model element, and illustrative examples from multiple campuses, Inkelas, Benjamin, and Jessup-Anger offer an indispensable roadmap for creating, assessing, and sustaining 'high-impact' living-learning experiences for students.”

    Jessie L. Moore, Author of Key Practices for Fostering Engaged Learning, Director, Center for Engaged Learning, Elon University, USA.

    Living-Learning Communities in Practice is essential for organizations that want to evaluate and improve the quality of their LLC programs. The authors revised the best practices model to reflect practitioner feedback and posed thought-provoking questions and practical suggestions for deepening quality.”

    Kirsten Kennedy, Associate Vice President, the Residential Experience, University of South Carolina, USA.

    “In this edition of Living-Learning Communities in Practice, the authors have provided a valuable tool, pathway and guidebook for academics and practitioners alike. Their real-world approach to evolving previous thought processes is a testament to the ongoing importance of LLCs as a High Impact Practice.”

    Kathy Bush Hobgood, Associate Vice-President for Auxiliary Enterprises, Clemson University, USA.