1st Edition

Living the Lighting Life A Guide to a Career in Entertainment Lighting

By Brad Schiller Copyright 2021
    260 Pages 60 Color Illustrations
    by Routledge

    260 Pages 60 Color Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Living the Lighting Life coaches the reader on achieving a successful career in entertainment lighting by providing practical tools and advice from seasoned professionals.

    This book covers topics such as lighting roles and procedures, moving through job positions and opportunities, maintaining and developing creativity, self promotion, business tools, personal and professional relationships, travel tips, and more. Included are interviews with key industry professionals at different stages in their careers, providing real-world experience and multiple viewpoints on what makes a successful career. The author, who has over 30 years of experience in the lighting industry himself, expertly guides readers to an understanding of this complex and exciting career choice, exploring multiple genres of entertainment, including concert, theatre, corporate, festival, and house of worship, so readers are fully informed when planning their career path. 

     With insightful guidance and advice from industry veterans and experts, Living the Lighting Life is a key navigational resource for students of entertainment lighting, those early in their lighting profession, and anyone considering a career in entertainment lighting.

    Part 1: The Job  1. Lighting Positions  2. Lighting Genres  3. Lighting Skills  4. Organizational Skills  5. Working Requirements  6. Ethics of Lighting  7. Best Show Ever  Part 2: The Career  8. A Growing Career  9. Attitude is Everything  10. Training and Learning  11. Promoting Yourself  12. Networking with Others  13. Keep on Moving Forward  14. Giving Back  15. Moving On  Part 3: The Business  16. Types of Workers  17. Business Structure  18. Personal Business Paperwork  19. Business Operations  20. Tax Form Basics  21. Getting Gigs  22. Planning for your Future  Part 4: The Creativity  23. Abundant Creativity   24. Creative Inspiration Part 5: The Lifestyle  25. Why we Do It  26. Work/Life Balance  27. Allure of Celebrity  28. Healthy Living  29. Time to Sleep  30. When it Stops Being Fun  Part 6: The Travel  31. Travel is Work  32. Earn the Perks  33. Air Travel  34. Tour Busses  35. Hotel Living  Part 7: The Interviews  36. Cory FitzGerald  37. George Masek  38. John Viesta  39. Robert Roth  40. Ron Schilling  41. Sooner Routhier  42. Steve Woods  43. Vickie Claiborne  Part 8: The Survey  44. Respondent Backgrounds  45. Employment Status  46. Down to Business  47. Shared Advice  48. Wrapping It Up


    Brad Schiller has over 30 years of experience in the lighting industry. Starting his career in the mid 1980’s he has worked as a technician, programmer, and designer on many different productions. Over the years he has also been employed by High End Systems, Vari*Lite, and Martin where he has assisted with product development, training, and testing for many popular fixtures and consoles. Brad has experience with various types of productions including theatre, television, concerts, film, architectural, dance, and corporate events. Project favorites include: the 1996 Academy Awards, The Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Opening and Closing Ceremonies, The Crystal Method, and Metallica. Brad’s career has allowed him countless opportunities to work around the globe, and across diverse facets of the industry. At the 2005 LDI awards ceremony Brad was presented with the Technician of the Year award and described as "the programmer’s programmer". He is also the author of Living the Lighting Life (Routledge 2021). A self-described "lighting geek," he has a deep-rooted passion for lighting that continues to drive him. Learn more at www.bradschiller.com.

    You may think that by its title, Living The Lighting Life: A Guide To A Career In The Entertainment Industry (published by Routledge, 2021), could be just another showbiz bio/memoire laced with juicy tidbits of tour bus antics and behind-the-scenes anecdotes by a well-known industry personality. You would most certainly be wrong. Though Brad Schiller's latest book includes many reflections on his successful and storied career, they all serve in support of literally guiding us readers towards creating a meaningful career path in the entertainment lighting industry.
    -Daniel Bonitsky, Live Design Online, January 4, 2021