1st Edition

London Opera Observed 1711–1844, Volume II 1763-1782

Edited By Michael Burden Copyright 2013

    The thrust of these five volumes is contained in their title, London Opera Observ’d. It takes its cue from the numerous texts and volumes which — during the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries — used the concept of ‘spying’ or ‘observing’ by a narrator, or rambler, as a means of establishing a discourse on aspects of London life. The material in this five-volume reset edition examines opera not simply as a genre of performance, but as a wider topic of comment and debate. The stories that surrounded the Italian opera singers illuminate contemporary British attitudes towards performance, sexuality and national identity.

    The collection includes only complete, published material organised chronologically so as to accurately retain the contexts in which the original readers encountered them — placing an emphasis on rare texts that have not been reproduced in modern editions. The aim of this collection is not to provide a history of opera in England but to facilitate the writing of them or to assist those wishing to study topics within the field. Headnotes and footnotes establish the publication information and provide an introduction to the piece, its author, and the events surrounding it or which caused its publication. The notes concentrate on attempting to identify those figures mentioned within the texts. The approach is one of presentation, not interpretation, ensuring that the collection occupies a position that is neutral rather than polemical.

    The Operas of Orione and Zanaida

    Philetymus (pseud.), Critical Observations on the Tragic Opera of Orion (1763)

    Arcangelo Bimolle, ‘Translation of a Letter from Signor Bimolle’ (1763)

    Arcangelo Bimolle, ‘Translation of a Second Letter from Signor Bimolle’ (1763)

    The Guardian Outwitted

    Thomas Arne, Preface to The Guardian Out-Witted (1764)

    Thomas Arne, An Elegy on the Death of The Guardian Outwitted (1765)

    Giovanni Gualberto Bottarelli, To the Reader, from Carattaco, drama (1767)

    Dora Tenducci, A True and Genuine Narrative of Mr. and Mrs. Tenducci (1768)

    [Anon.], The Lyric Muse Revived in Europe (1768)

    Joseph Reed, Preface to Tom Jones, a Comic Opera (1769)

    Carlo Francesco Badini, Preface to Il disertore; A New Comic Opera (1770)

    Giovanni Andrea Gallini, A Treatise on the Art of Dancing (1772)

    The Queen of Quavers

    [Anon.], ‘The Humble Address of the Subjects of the Queen of Quavers’ (1776)

    [Anon.], The Remarkable Trial of the Queen of Quavers, and Her Associates (1777)

    [Anon.], An Heroic Epistle, from Monsieur Vestris (1781)

    Jean-Georges Noverre, Historical Account of Adela of Ponthieu (1782)

    Editorial Notes


    Edited by Michael Burden