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Mathematical Modeling and Computational Methods for Innovation

About the Series

Innovation is strongly entwined with mathematics. Mathematics plays a role in every innovation journey, from ideas to proof of concept, implementation, and real-world use. Mathematics provides the fundamental key to creating new technologies, products, and services in medicine, energy, quantum, AI, transport, and Agri-tech. The series offers a list of titles on the latest development and research in areas of mathematical modeling and computational mathematics for Innovation. It offers new reference works, including authored and edited volumes, on mathematical modeling and computational mathematics in the areas of science, engineering, education, industry, biology, agriculture, nature, environment, social life, IT, and other such mathematical innovation solutions within the scope of this series.

1 Series Title

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I-Function and its Applications

I-Function and its Applications

1st Edition


By Vinod Prakash Saxena, Praveen Agarwal, Altaf Ahmad Bhat
November 06, 2024

This book presents the essential role of Mathematical Modeling and Computational Methods in representing physical phenomena mathematically, focusing on the significance of the I-function. Serving as a generalized form of special functions, particularly generalised hypergeometric functions, the ...

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