1st Edition

Mechanics of Materials and Interfaces The Disturbed State Concept

By Chandrakant S. Desai Copyright 2001

    The disturbed state concept (DSC) is a relatively new development and until now has lacked extensive attention in a publication. This book presents the first detailed, theoretical treatment of the DSC and shows that it can provide a unified and simplified approach for mathematical characterization of the mechanical response of materials and interfaces. The author compares the DSC with other available models, identifies the physical meaning of the relevant parameters, validates the DSC models implements the model in computer procedures, and validates those procedures by comparing predictions with observations.

    Introduction. The Disturbed State Concept: Preliminaries. Relative Intact and Fully Adjusted States and Disturbance. DSC Equations and Specializations. Theory of Elasticity in DSC. Theory of Plasticity in DSC. Hierarchical Single Surface Models in DSC. Creep Behavior: Viscoelastic and Viscoplastic Models in DSC. DSC for Saturated and Unsaturated Materials. DSC for Interfaces and Joints. Microstructure: Localization and Instability. Implementation of DSC in Computer Procedures. Conclusions and Future Trends. Appendix I: Disturbed State, Critical State, and Self-Organized Criticality Concepts. Appendix II: DSC Parameters: Optimization and Sensitivity.


    Chandrakant S. Desai