1st Edition

Mexico And Mexico City In The World Economy

    408 Pages
    by Routledge

    412 Pages
    by Routledge

    To understand contemporary Mexico, it is absolutely necessary to examine its level of development, and its relationship with the rest of the world. The level of development will, most likely, be related to the world system network, although the concepts are not identical. In Understanding Mexico and Mexico City in the World Economy, the authors aim to determine Mexico's level of development, and how Mexico fits into the world system.Through their research, the authors provide outcomes that will develop a more refined world systems approach. The book features cluster analyses of Mexican economic development levels, sector case studies including specific spatial analyses and maps of trends in Mexico, a systematic theoretic framework encompassing levels of the world, national, and local areas, and recent data presented through maps, tables, charts, and statistical summaries. The text will prove to be useful and practical for researchers, academics, and others interested in Mexico and its international linkages.

    Preface , Introduction , Methodology , Mexico and Mexico City In the Larger Global Context , Industry , Finance and Commerce , Services , Transport and Communication , Petroleum and the Energy Sector , Maquiladoras , Tourism , Agriculture , The Informal Sector , The Mexican 500 , Growth and Development Outcomes and Policy , The Future , Mexico and Mexico City In the Larger Global Context


    Edgar W Butler