1st Edition

Mini-set D: Raymond Firth Collected Works

    2440 Pages
    by Routledge

    Considered by many to be the grandfather of modern social anthropology, Raymond Firth's reputation and work is as well respected in the twenty-first century as it was when it was first published in the first half of the twentieth. Including his ground-breaking studies of the Tikopia, this set also contains edited volumes whose geographical reach extends to the Africa, South America, Asia and the Balkans.

    Raymond Firth and B.S. Yamey Capital, saving and credit in peasant societies, 1964 Hb: 0-415-33015-7 Raymond Firth Elements of Social Organisation, 1951 Hb: 0-415-33016-5 Raymond Firth Primitive Polynesian Economy, 1939 Hb: 0-415-33017-3 Raymond Firth Social change in Tikopia, 1959 Hb: 0-415-33018-1 Raymond Firth Themes in Economic Anthropology, 1967 Raymond Firth We the Tikopia, 1936 Hb: 0-415-33020-3