1st Edition

Mini-set F: Social and Cultural Anthropology

    4328 Pages
    by Routledge

    Social Anthropology developed in Britain after the first world war as a separate and highly distinctive discipline. For thirty years social anthropology was almost exclusively a British speciality but after the second world war this pattern was broken with American social anthropologists growing more numerous and influential.
    Reprinting key volumes from the Association of Social Anthropologists (and others) this set brings together works by distinguished authors and covers a range of issues including the study of political systems, religion, and the utilization of models and of complex societies.

    Edwin Ardener Social anthropology and language, 1971 Hb: 0-415-33026-2 Michael Banton The Relevance of Models for Social Anthropology, 1965 Hb: 0-415-33027-0 Michael Banton Social anthropology of complex societies, 1966 Hb: 0-415-33028-9 John Beattie Other Cultures: Aims, Methods and Achievements in Social Anthropology, 1964 Hb: 0-415-33029-7 E. E. Evans-Pritchard Social anthropology, 1951 Hb: 0-415-33030-0 F. Allan Hanson Meaning in Culture, 1975 Hb: 0-415-33031-9 Adam Kuper The Social Anthropology of Radcliffe-Brown,1977 Hb: 0-415-33032-7 I. M. Lewis History and Social Anthropology, 1968 Hb: 0-415-33033-5 Marcel Mauss , translated by James J. Fox Seasonal Variations of the Eskimo, 1979 Hb: 0-415-33035-1 Philip Mayer Socialization: the approach from social anthropology, 1967 Hb: 0-415-33036-X Siegfried Morenz , translated by Ann E. Keep Egyptian Religion, 1973 Hb: 0-415-33037-8 S. F. Nadel The Foundations of Social Anthropology, 1951 Hb: 0-415-33038-6 Robert J. Smith and Richard K. Beardsley Japanese Culture: Its Development and Characteristics , 1963 Hb: 0-415-33039-4 Franz Steiner Taboo, 1956 Hb: 0-415-33040-8 S. L. Washburn Social Life of Early Man, 1962 Hb: 0-415-33041-6