1st Edition

Mini-set G: South America

    1282 Pages
    by Routledge

    Covering the Central Andes, Columbia and Panama the studies in this mini-set encompass key areas of anthropology: the organisation of a rural economy, kinship and family, history, ecology and society.

    Stephen Gudeman The Demise of a Rural Economy: From Subsistence to Capitalism in a Latin American Village, 1978 Hb: 0-415-33042-4 Stephen Gudeman Relationships, Residence and the Individual, 1976 Hb: 0-415-33043-2 Harold Osborne Indians of the Andes: Aymaras and Quechuas, 1952 Hb: 0-415-33043-2 Gerard Reichel-Dolmatoff and Alicia Reichel-Dolmatoff The People of Aritama: The Cultural Personality of a Colombian Mestizo Village, 1961 Hb: 0-415-33045-9