1st Edition

Miniset M. Welfare Economics and Economic Policy

    2548 Pages
    by Routledge

    Charting the development of economic and social policy in the twentieth century, the books in this set draw on international examples to supplement the theoretical material discussed.

    Cairncross Essays in Economic Management, 1971 Hb: 0-415-31403-8 Cutler Keynes, Beveridge and Beyond, 1986 Hb: 0-415-31404-6 Dalton Some Aspects of the Inequality of Incomes in Modern Communities, 1920 Hb: 0-415-31405-4 Edey National Income and Social Accounting, 1967 Hb: 0-415-31406-2 Hogben Political Arithmetic, 1938 Hb: 0-415-31407-0 Reddaway Economics of a Declining Population, 1939 Hb: 0-415-31408-9 Scitovsky Welfare and Competition, 1952 Hb: 0-415-31409-7 Scitovsky Papers on Welfare and Growth, 1964 Hb: 0-415-31410-0


    Andrew Wyatt