1st Edition

Modern British Utopias, 1700-1850 Vol 7

By Gregory Claeys Copyright 1997
    492 Pages
    by Routledge

    In the period 1700-1850, the history of utopian thought cast light on ideas of property-holding, community, and social and political reform movements, including those for the extension of rights to slaves, women and animals. This text includes some of the best-known tracts of the period.

    Benjamin Disraeli. The Voyage of Captain Popanilla (1828), The History of Bullanabee and Clinkataboo (1828), [John Trotter]. Travels to Phrenologasto (1829), Lemuel Gulliver. Sequel to Gulliver's Travels (1830), Great Britain in i841 ( 1831 ), Lady Mary Fox, ed. Account of an Expedition to the Interior of New Holland (1837), John Francis Bray. A Voyage from Utopia (1842)


    Gregory Claeys