1st Edition

Multilingual Leadership in TESOL

    282 Pages 5 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    282 Pages 5 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Multilingual Leadership in TESOL addresses issues related to leadership by and for multilingual individuals in the field. Chapters in this edited volume provide a strong theoretical grounding for multilingual leadership, use case studies and autoethnographies to showcase multilingual leaders’ backgrounds, and discuss challenges and opportunities for current and future leaders in TESOL. Presenting a wide view of leadership development in the field, this book includes contributions from top scholars from over a dozen countries, ethnicities and language backgrounds.

    Bringing together the dual focus on multilingualism and leadership, this is essential reading for scholars, researchers and future leaders in TESOL and applied linguistics.

    Multilingual Leadership in TESOL: An introduction

    Ethan Trinh, Luciana C. de Oliveira, and Ali Fuad Selvi

    Section 1: Leadership through Mentoring

    1. Lived Experiences on Mentoring and its Role in Leadership Development with Multilingual TESOL Professionals

    Alsu Tuktamyshova, Moises Alcantara, and Christine Coombe

    2. A Collaborative Autoethnography About Mentor-Menteeship (Re)imagined: Redefining the Guru
    and the Shishyaa in the 21st Century

    Rashi Jain & Suresh Canagarajah

    3. Building a Knowledge Base for TESOL Leadership

    Elena Andrei & Dudley Reynolds

    Section 2: Leadership in Professional Organizations

    4. Differences at Work: Leading in the Global Community

    Gabriela Kleckova

    5.  An Autoethnography of a Multilingual Woman Leader in TESOL: Examining Lived Experiences Within Chaos/Complexity Theory

    Hilal Peker

    6. TESOL Teacher Educators as Leaders: Facilitating the Learning Space and the Art of Letting go

    Özgehan Uştuk

    7. Redefining Leadership in TESOL: Centering Complex Identities, Counterstories, and Communities

    Cristina Sanchez-Martin

    Section 3: Leadership in Educational Institutions

    8. Leading with Innovation: Methods to Achieve Goals in TESOL

    Gilda Martinez-Alba & Luis Javier Pentón Herrera

    9. Leadership at the Confluence of Equity, Diversity, and the Digital Divide

    Federico Salas-Isnardi & Daquanna Harrison

    10.  Doing Transnational Multilingual Leadership: Narratives of Four Language Teacher Educators

    Quanisha Charles, Shannon Tanghe, Marie Webb, Gloria Park

    Section 4: Leadership in Academic Publishing

    11. Multilingual Leadership (=Friendship) Through Critical Autoethnography: Allowing Multivoicedness, Welcoming Uncertainty

    Ufuk Keles & Bedrettin Yazan

    12. Writing and Publishing on Professional Journals in TESOL: Autoethnographic Account

    Youngjoo Ji & Seonhee Cho

    13. Leading through Publishing: Autoethnographies of Mentoring Multilingual Scholars

    Luciana C. de Oliveira, Jia Gui, and Cristiane Vicentini


    Lia Kamhi-Stein


    Ethan Trinh, Ph.D. (they/them) is an associate director of the Atlanta Global Studies Center. As a Vietnamese queer immigrant, Ethan enjoys thinking with emotions, gender, and language, explores how to embrace queerness as healing teaching and research practices, and walks with their doggies.

    Luciana C. de Oliveira (Ph.D.) is Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Graduate Studies in the School of Education and Professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning at Virginia Commonwealth University. Her research focuses on issues related to teaching K-12 multilingual learners. She is a Past President of TESOL International Association.

    Ali Fuad Selvi is an Assistant Professor of TESOL and Applied Linguistics in the MA TESOL Program at the Department of English at the University of Alabama. His research interests include Global Englishes; issues related to (in)equity, professionalism, marginalization, and discrimination in TESOL; and critical language teacher education.