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Multispecies Anthropology: New Ethnographies

About the Series

Human-Animal Studies has come of age. Intrinsically inter or transdisciplinary, it has encouraged scholars from diverse disciplines to use a range of approaches and resources to explore the relationships that humans have with other animals and forms of life and how these are experienced and expressed.

Animals have traditionally appeared in anthropology as aspects of cosmological systems, essential to livelihoods including hunting, fishing, pastoralism, herding and agriculture; significant in economic systems as wealth and for exchange; celebrated in sports and other forms of entertainment and so on. More recently, animals and other forms of life have been brought to the foreground, where they are framed as important in and of themselves, rather than as reflections of other, more important relationships between people. This series is interested in this approach and the wider questions it poses about subjectivity, representation and anthropological theory.

Uniquely, this series focuses exclusively on monographs which are based on first-hand, sustained, ethnographic fieldwork: an approach which allows for the exploration of the intricacies and immediacies of lives with other animals. It brings together detailed accounts of how humans experience, engage with, live with, other animals, but also with plants and other living matter, generated within particular social and cultural worlds as they are captured by fieldwork. This format will enable authors to pursue some of the most important questions about our lives with others – and the role that anthropology might play in our futures together.

Submitting a proposal

The series welcomes proposals for either single or co-authored monographs. Book proposals should be sent to the Routledge editor: [email protected]

For guidance on how to structure your proposal, please visit:

Editorial Advisory Board

Radhika Govindrajan, University of Washington, USA

John Hartigan, University of Texas at Austin, USA

Catherine Hill, Oxford Brookes University, UK

Marianne Lien, University of Oslo, Norway

Piers Locke, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Laura Ogden, Dartmouth College, USA

3 Series Titles

Per Page

The Presence of Elephants Shared Lives and Landscapes

The Presence of Elephants: Shared Lives and Landscapes

1st Edition


By Paul G. Keil
October 14, 2024

How to dwell in a forest alongside giants, avoid disturbing a living god, assist an animal with their manners, and help an elephant cross the road. The Presence of Elephants is an anthropological consideration of coexistence, grounded in people’s everyday interactions with household and ...

Human-Horse Relations and the Ethics of Knowing

Human-Horse Relations and the Ethics of Knowing

1st Edition

By Rosalie Jones McVey
March 31, 2023

This book explores how equestrians are highly invested in the idea of profound connection between horse and human and focuses on the ethical problem of knowing horses. In describing how ‘true’ connection with horses matters, Rosalie Jones McVey investigates what sort of thing comes to count as a ‘...

Animal Enthusiasms Life Beyond Cage and Leash in Rural Pakistan

Animal Enthusiasms: Life Beyond Cage and Leash in Rural Pakistan

1st Edition

By Muhammad A. Kavesh
August 01, 2022

Animal Enthusiasms explores how human–animal relationships are conceived, developed, and carried out in rural Pakistani Muslim society through an examination of practices such as pigeon flying, cockfighting, and dogfighting. Based on two years of ethnographic fieldwork carried between 2008 and ...

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