1st Edition

Muslim Resistance To The Tsar Shamil and the Conquest of Chechnia and Daghestan

By Moshe Gammer Copyright 2003
    550 Pages
    by Routledge

    Much has been written about the Muslim Murid movement and its leader Shamil, who resisted the Tsarist Russian expansion into Chechan and Daghestan for more than quarter of a century. This study, based on research in multilingual archives, offers a fresh insight into this controversial subject.

    List of Maps, Acknowledgements, Note on Transliteration and Calendar, Preface, Chronology, Introduction: The Russian Conquest of Transcaucasia, Part 1: The Setting, Part 2: The Background, Part 3: The First Two Imams, Part 4: Beginnings, Part 5: ‘The Rise of the Phoenix’, Part 6: To the Peak, Part 7: ‘The System of the Axe’, Part 8: ‘The State of God’, Part 9: The End, Conclusion, Notes, List of Sources, Glossary, Index


    Moshe Gammer