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New Regionalisms Series

About the Series

The New Regionalisms series presents innovative analyses of a range of novel regional relations & institutions. Going beyond formal, interstate organisations, this interdisciplinary Series builds on over two decades of  the pioneering International Political Economy of New Regionalisms series, also edited by Professor Timothy M. Shaw.

New Regionalisms is creative & cosmopolitan, reflecting enquiries from & about the global South & North. It reinforces ongoing networks of analysts in both academia & think-tanks as well as international institutions concerned with micro-, meso- & macro-level regionalisms in the third decade of the 21st century & beyond.

93 Series Titles

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Terror and Insurgency in the Sahara-Sahel Region Corruption, Contraband, Jihad and the Mali War of 2012-2013

Terror and Insurgency in the Sahara-Sahel Region: Corruption, Contraband, Jihad and the Mali War of 2012-2013

1st Edition

By Stephen A. Harmon
October 28, 2014

Harmon focuses on terrorism and insurgency in the lawless expanse of the Sahara Desert and the adjacent, transitional Sahel zone, plus the broader meta-region that includes countries such as Algeria, Mali, and Nigeria, and to a lesser extent, Niger and Mauritania. Covering such issues as Islamist ...

The Eastern Mediterranean in Transition Multipolarity, Politics and Power

The Eastern Mediterranean in Transition: Multipolarity, Politics and Power

1st Edition

By Spyridon N. Litsas, Aristotle Tziampiris
April 08, 2015

The wider region of the Eastern Mediterranean is in transition. What is being evinced is a situation of continuous volatility, centering on developments such as the ’Arab Spring,’ the Greek sovereign debt crisis, Islamic terrorism, the continuation of deadlock over the Cypriot and Palestinian ...

The Geopolitics of Regional Power Geography, Economics and Politics in Southern Africa

The Geopolitics of Regional Power: Geography, Economics and Politics in Southern Africa

1st Edition

By Sören Scholvin
November 14, 2014

In the last two decades, various states from the Global South have emerged as important players in international relations. Most popular among them is China. Brazil, India and South Africa have also taken essential roles in global and regional politics. Compared to traditional great powers, they ...

A New Scramble for Africa? The Rush for Energy Resources in Sub-Saharan Africa

A New Scramble for Africa?: The Rush for Energy Resources in Sub-Saharan Africa

1st Edition

By Sören Scholvin
February 11, 2015

Global energy consumption will increase rapidly in the next decades. The discrepancy between demand and supply is worrisome within the old and new cores of the world-economy. Sub-Saharan Africa meanwhile possesses vast potential for energy resources to be further exploited. Whilst the Global North ...

The New Democracy Wars The Politics of North American Democracy Promotion in the Americas

The New Democracy Wars: The Politics of North American Democracy Promotion in the Americas

1st Edition

By Neil A. Burron
December 28, 2012

Burron provides a critical analysis of Canadian and US democracy promotion in the Americas. He concentrates on Haiti, Peru, and Bolivia in particular but situates them within a larger analysis of Canadian and US foreign policy - bilateral and regional - in the areas of trade, investment, diplomacy...

The Rise of China and the Capitalist World Order

The Rise of China and the Capitalist World Order

1st Edition

Edited By Li Xing
February 28, 2010

China's rise within global society and politics has brought it into the spotlight - for social scientists, the country's long and dramatic transformations in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries make it an ideal case study for research on political and economic development and social changes. ...

The Role of the European Union in Asia China and India as Strategic Partners

The Role of the European Union in Asia: China and India as Strategic Partners

1st Edition

Edited By Bart Gaens, Juha Jokela
October 28, 2009

Establishing strategic partnerships is a key objective for the European Union. These partnerships provide frameworks for flexible and long-term cooperation with global and regional players. This book focuses on the EU's strategy toward China and India and explores ways of promoting a stronger and ...

The EU and World Regionalism The Makability of Regions in the 21st Century

The EU and World Regionalism: The Makability of Regions in the 21st Century

1st Edition

Edited By Philippe De Lombaerde, Michael Schulz
December 28, 2009

Much has been said about the driving forces of region-building processes or regionalization worldwide, yet few systematic and comparative studies have been conducted on how regions can contribute to the building of other regions - and more concretely, how the European Union has 'pushed' for ...

The Euro in the 21st Century Economic Crisis and Financial Uproar

The Euro in the 21st Century: Economic Crisis and Financial Uproar

1st Edition

By Maria Lorca-Susino
January 28, 2011

The Euro in the 21st Century clarifies the perception of the euro and empirically demonstrates that the euro has become a true common currency and the Eurozone a true optimal currency area, presenting, in turn, a model to imitate. In order to demonstrate this, this study analyzes the economic and ...

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