1st Edition

Newborns and Parents Parent-Infant Contact and Newborn Sensory Stimulation

Edited By Vincent L. Smeriglio Copyright 1981

    In hospitals in the 1970s there was considerable variation in the nature of hospital environments experienced by newborns and their parents. The effects of such experiences are of great interest to researchers concerned with infant development and parent-child relationships, to clinicians involved in the care of newborns and parents, and to parents. Originally published in 1981, Newborns and Parents deals with an analysis of the current state of knowledge regarding the outcomes of such experiences at the time, and with future directions for the study of these effects.

    The environmental experiences discussed in this book are grouped into two categories: newborn sensory stimulation by equipment or hospital personnel, and parent-infant contact. The first category includes investigations of several aspects of sensory stimulation, with most of the reported efforts dealing with motion, contact, and auditory stimulation. Studies in the second category focus on mothers and newborns, and relate primarily to mother–infant bonding and mother–newborn separation.

    Preface.  Part I: Introduction  1. A Time for Taking Perspective Vincent L. Smeriglio  2. Some Realities Influencing Early-Environment Research Donald A. Cornely  Part II: Newborn Sensory Stimulation  3. Intervention with Preterm Infants: Rationale, Aims, and Means Anneliese F. Korner  4. A Program of Temporarily Patterned Movement and Sound Stimulation for Premature Infants Kathryn E. Barnard  5. The Influence of Perinatal Complications: A Discussion of the Papers by Korner and Barnard David R. Pederson  6. Environmental Manipulations in the Neonatal Period and Assessment of Their Effects Allen W. Gottfried  Part III: Parent-Infant Contact  7. Extra Postpartum Contact: An Assessment of the Intervention and Its Effects Mary Anne Trause  8. Mother-Infant Separation: Outcome Assessment Marjorie J. Seashore  9. Parent-Infant Bonding: Nature of Intervention and Inferences from Data Michael W. Yogman  10. Effects of Mother-Newborn Contact: Comparability and Validity Measures Vincent L. Smeriglio  Part IV: Understanding Newborn Sensory Stimulation and Parent-Infant Contact: Additional Considerations  11. Maternal Attitudes During Pregnancy and Medication During Labor and Delivery: Methodological Considerations Raymond K. Yang  12. Parental Perceptions of Infant Manipulations: Effects on Parents of Inclusion in our Research T. Berry Brazelton  13. The Environment of the Newborn in Hospital: The Need to Assume a Patient Focus and a Long-Term Orientation Evan Charney  14. Clinical Nursing Responsibilities for Research Involving Parents and Their Infants Emmaline Turner  Part V: Coordinated Research Efforts: Appropriate? Feasible?  15. The Importance of Collaboration and Developmental Follow-Up in the Study of Perinatal Risk Lewis P. Lipsitt  16. Appropriateness and Feasibility of Coordinated Research Efforts John H. Kennell  Part VI: Overview and Conclusions  17. Comparability and Generalizability of Intervention Research With Mothers and Infants in Hospitals Richard Q. Bell.  Author Index.  Subject Index.


    Vincent L. Smeriglio, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (at time of original publication).