1st Edition

Non-profit Governance Twelve Frameworks for Organisations and Research

Edited By Guillaume Plaisance, Anne Goujon Belghit Copyright 2025
    248 Pages 16 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Non-profit Governance offers twelve perspectives and analytical frameworks to facilitate the development of governance in non-profit organisations. In this sector, governance is all the more important because it is often voluntary. Organisations therefore need to be supported in their management, accountability and strategy. International standards (in particular ISO 37000:2021, dedicated to the governance of organisations) propose key principles to ensure value creation around stakeholder engagement, leadership, risk governance, social responsibility and organisational sustainability. This book proposes to explore and adapt these principles to the non-profit sector. To do this, the book focuses on four facets of governance: the controls it puts in place, the stakeholders it must listen to and manage, the performance it must monitor and, finally, the people it must lead and mobilise. The book also highlights the interest of governance mechanisms and processes in developing effective performance, ethics in non-profit organisations, and responsible management. Each chapter therefore takes one or more of the principles of ISO 37000 in the non-profit context and builds an analytical framework around them. These twelve frameworks can thus be used by the organisations themselves to develop their governance practices, but also by researchers who will find original approaches to incorporate into their studies.


    Guillaume Plaisance and Anne Goujon Belghit

    Part I – Governance and controls: from disciplinary to cognitive approaches

    Chapter 1 – From Traditional to Collaborative Governance: A stakeholder environment framework

    Marc Pilon and François Brouard

    Chapter 2 – Implementing and Maintaining an Effective Risk Management System in Non-Profit Organisations: A Conceptual Framework

    Elisabeth Bertin

    Chapter 3 – The role of public actors in the governance of French non-profit organisations: proposing an integrated governance analysis framework

    Eric-Alain Zoukoua

    Part II – Governance and stakeholders: from regulation to alliances and collaboration

    Chapter 4 – New rules: how funding and control tools shape the relationships between social actions actors

    Pauline Boisselier

    Chapter 5 – What strategic processes to meet the challenges of democratic governance? The case of mergers between non-profit organisations

    Adrien Laurent

    Chapter 6 – Alliances for Outcome Evaluation and Theory of Change to Generate Impact: Integrating Network Level and Organisational Level Effort Via Organisational Learning

    Rong Wang

    Part III – Governance and performance: from financial survival to responsibilities

    Chapter 7 – Drama-Free Finance: Structures and Strategies for Stability and Growth in Non-profit Organisations

    Renée A. Irvin

    Chapter 8 – Double or Tandem Movement? The Emergence and Evolution of Non-profit Social Responsibility

    Shawn Pope

    Chapter 9 – Social responsibility and sustainability in non-profit organisations: towards a semantic and conceptual precision

    Guillaume Plaisance

    Part IV – Governance and people: from human capital development to beneficiary focus

    Chapter 10 – How to retain volunteers? A literature review and a managerial proposal of a volunteer journey

    Nathalie Dubost

    Chapter 11 – Why meaning-making capabilities for non-profit executives? Understanding the nature of non-profit leadership between the general and middle-range approaches

    Sungdae Lim

    Chapter 12 – Authentic Beneficiary Engagement in the Aged Care Sector: Advancing Non-profit Governance through Care

    Kylie Kingston, Sari Rossi, Belinda Luke and Alexandra Williamson


    Guillaume Plaisance and Anne Goujon Belghit


    Guillaume Plaisance is an Associate Professor at the IAE - Bordeaux University School of Management and is the deputy-head of the CSR axis of research in the Research Institute in Management Science (Bordeaux, France). He is the head of master’s program dedicated to the management of the social responsibility of organisations. He conducted a PhD thesis linking non-profit governance and performance management. His research themes focus on the governance and management of non-profit organisations and the social and societal responsibility of organisations. He is the Vice-president of Recherches & Solidarités, an NPO composed of professional and scientific experts who study the third sector. He is one of the Associate Editors of the Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing.

    Anne Goujon Belghit is a Full Professor at the University of Limoges (France). She is a member of CREOP laboratory research.  Her academic research concerns four specific fields: ethical decision-making, the relationship to employment, the Territorial Social Responsibility (TSR), and management in non-profit organisations. She teaches organisational behaviour, human resource management, career management, CSR, TSR, and Social and Sustainable Economy (SSE) issues. She is in charge of the chair of human capital of Bordeaux, and she is editor for the academic journal VSE (Vie & Sciences de l’Entreprise).

    We who make it our work to study nonprofit governance are fortunate to have this valuable resource to inform our work in these exciting and sometimes-paradoxical times” Prof. David O. Renz, Midwest Center for Nonprofit Leadership