1st Edition

North Africa Nation, State, and Region

Edited By George Joffé Copyright 1993
    322 Pages
    by Routledge

    322 Pages
    by Routledge

    North Africa differs from the Middle East in several significant ways. It was subject to a uniform colonial experience as part of the French empire; its populations are far more culturally homogeneous than those of the Middle East; and, since the Reconquista, it has always been far more susceptible to European influences than has the Middle East. It has thus had a far better basis for regional integration and for effective state formation than has the Middle East itself.

    In the post-Cold War world, North Africa took on a new significance for Europe as issues of migration and regional trade began to dominate the European agenda. This book, first published in 1993, endeavours to investigate the background to the political developments of modern North Africa. It not only looks at the pre-colonial past but also investigates the effect of the colonial period itself on the regional dimension in view of the creation of the UMA, a confederal regional organisation, in early 1989. The contributors to this volume are all people with long experience of the North African political and historical scene.

    Part 1. The Pre-Colonial Period  1. Corsairing in the Economy and Politics of North Africa Jerome Bookin-Weiner  2. The Impact of the French Conquest of Algeria on Morocco (1830-1912) Mohammed Kenbib  3. Problems of Interpretation of North African History: the Impact of Information on the Policies of Hammuda Pasha (1810-13) Abdeljelil Temimi  Part 2. The Colonial Period  4. Opposing Aspects of Colonial Rule in this Century to 1930: the Unusual case of the Beni Mzab Jon Marks  5. The Best Aircraft Carrier in Africa: Britain and Libya, 1943-51 John Wright  6. France and Islam: the Haut Comité Méditerranéen and French North Africa William A. Hoisington, Jun.  7. The Spanish Protectorate and the Occupation of Tangier I 1940 Claire Spencer  Part 3. Independent States  8. The FLN: French Conceptions, Algerian Realities Hugh Roberts  9. Glasnost the Algerian Way: the Role of Berber Nationalists in Political Reform Salem Mezhoud  10. Algerian Theatre and Protest Youssef Selmane  11. The Political Role of Islam in Morocco (1970-90) Henry Munson, Jun.  12. Libya and Morocco: Consensus on the Past Richard Pennell  13. The Impact of the French Colonial Heritage on Language Policies in Independent North Africa Rachida Yacine  Part 4. The Region Today  14. Morocco’s Argument to Join the EEC Ali Bahaijoub  15. Reflections on the State in the Mahgreb Remy Leveau  16. The Present and Future of the Maghreb Arab Union Mohamed Chtatou  17. The Maghreb Arab Union and Regional Reconciliation John Damis


    George Joffé